
Zora Vendramin 1938-2017

War orphan crossed the border to a new life

After being orphaned in World War II, Zora Vendramin fled communist Yugoslavia for a new life in Melbourne, and never regretted it.

Zora Vendramin was born in 1938 in the small village of Drnovk-Brda, then part of northern Italy. The area is renowned for its natural and historic beauty of rolling hills verdant with oak forests, grapevines and orchards, and studded with medieval castles.

Growing up in this environment, Zora was to develop a life-long love of mountains, bushwalking and nature in general.

The third child born to Marija and Michael Vendramin, she leaves behind two older sisters, Hilda and Silva, and a younger brother, Ivan. All live in Europe.

For the farming family it was a subsistence life of hard work and scant material possessions. The outbreak of World War II, only a year after Zora's birth, had an enormous impact on them. Her mother died in 1943 and her father left home the same year to join the fighting. They were left with their grandfather, who was taken away and imprisoned. The four children aged from three to nine years miraculously managed to survive the last two years of war on their own.

At the end of the war, Zora and her siblings were told that their father had been killed in battle. They were transferred to an orphanage in Kranj in western Slovenia. Zora later said: "I was so happy. I had been in rags, I was happy to go, because they told us where we were going we would be happy – having food, clothes and so on. My happiest years were in the orphanage."

At 12 years of age, Zora was transferred to high school in the valley town of Vipava. She had few fond memories of high school, but nevertheless, as a smart student, Zora was the first in her family to leave high school with the ambition and grades required for a tertiary education.


She was successful in her application to teachers' college in Slovenia's capital city of Ljubljana. She enjoyed her four years at college and photos of her at this time show her maturing into a beautiful young woman with many friends. She maintained some of these friendships over the long distance between Melbourne and Europe for the rest of her life.

"I was cheeky at college," she said. "I used to go dancing instead of going to the theatre as we were supposed to." 

Zora always loved music and dancing. Her passion for dancing would be how she would meet Aldo, her first husband, when she arrived in Melbourne.

After graduation, Zora was posted as a pre-school teacher in the fast-developing city of Nova Gorica, on the Slovenian side of the Italian border. She was reunited with two of her siblings, and the area she grew up in.

However, she was living in politically complex and dangerous times. Her birthplace, under Italy when she was born, was now under the rule of communist Yugoslavia.

In 1960, Zora, aged 22, together with a girlfriend called Alma, risked their lives to escape Yugoslavia for a life in the West. To avoid suspicion, the two women took only the clothes they were wearing and their handbags, and slipped over the border.

Relocating to the other side of the world, female and alone in the early 1960s, required enormous courage, faith and self-reliance.

A cousin drove them to a local police station. They were put up for the night in a hotel before being placed on a train bound for the Italian port city of Trieste. Zora arrived to a refugee centre known as San Sabba and stayed there a difficult seven months.

Finally her visa for emigration to Australia was approved. Relocating to the other side of the world, female and alone in the early 1960s, required enormous courage, faith and self-reliance. Yet she never regretted her decision to pursue a new life in Australia.

Zora landed at Station Pier, Port Melbourne in May, 1961, aged 23. She was assisted by a representative of the Catholic Church to find her first employment, as a live-in housekeeper and nanny. While she didn't enjoy this type of work, she enjoyed opportunities to meet new people and go dancing.

She met Aldo at a dance hall called La Catedrale (the Cathedral), in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, a popular place then for Italian dances. They were married in 1963 and began married life in shared rental accommodation in Brunswick. Daughter Alida was born.

Zora retrained to work as a nurse. Although it was the norm for women in those days to stop paid work when they had children, she always worked, mostly full-time as part-time jobs were rare.

Nearly five years later a second child was born, Andrew. The children were raised in the family home built by their father in St Albans in 1966-67.

Zora gravitated back to the world of teaching by securing a position as a library technician at St Albans High School. She assimilated quickly into Australian culture and developed fluent English speaking and writing skills. This would later serve her well when she embarked on the challenge of studying for her degree.

In search of happiness and independence, Zora separated from Aldo and bought her own home at 11 Glendenning Street in the early 1980s. It was to be a busy and challenging time: raising teenagers, working full-time, paying off a mortgage at a time when bank housing loans weren't readily granted to women and, to top it all off, studying for her degree.

Zora was proud to complete her Bachelor of Arts at Swinburne Institute of Technology. She did additional tertiary studies to also qualify as a teacher-librarian.

In the late 1980s, with the children old enough to pursue their own lives, Zora developed her own friendships and relationships. She met her second husband, Marjan Kramarsic, via a long-distance pen pal relationship initiated by a local girlfriend. Marjan was a Slovenian citizen who had emigrated to Sweden. They were married in 1989, and spent the next 14 years together embarking on various adventures including a six-month trip around Australia in a pop-top van.

Zora took on a new challenge in her career – head librarian at Fawkner Secondary College. She worked in this demanding role till her retirement.

Marriage for her children meant the addition of son-in-law Ian and daughter-in-law Judy. Her first grandson, Adam, was born in 2001 and later came Lucas and Isaac. This was a special time for Zora. She loved her grandsons and spent time caring for them in their pre-school years.

At 66 years of age, Zora decided she wanted to live closer to her beloved Mt Macedon. She had never really warmed to Melbourne's western suburbs: so very different in appearance to the romantic landscapes of her youth. The family had enjoyed many outings in the Macedon area, her favourite place, reminding her of the mountains and forests of her homeland.

She chose to move to Sunbury and loved it there. She started a new chapter in her life. She joined a variety of community clubs including the local Red Cross, Jacksons Creek Combined Probus and the Sunbury Garden Club. She also volunteered at the Sunbury branch of St Vinnies, where she used her library skills to sort and classify hundreds of donated books.

She formed a circle of friends and together they would do the things girlfriends do – outings to the theatre, movies, lunches, local markets and gardens, to name a few.

About 15 months ago, Zora was diagnosed with bladder cancer. It was a shock to her. Never did she think this might happen to her – she was so active and had been an ardent believer in healthy diet and exercise.

She spent her last week in the comforting environment of the Olivia Newton John Centre. While she said she wasn't quite ready to go, she accepted her fate gracefully.

The family were grateful to have been at her bedside when she passed, peacefully.