Showdown looms for Standing Rock protesters over Dakota Access pipeline

This was published 3 years ago

Showdown looms for Standing Rock protesters over Dakota Access pipeline

Cannon Ball: Demonstrators opposed to the Dakota Access pipeline braced for a showdown with authorities on Wednesday, as protest leaders said at least some would defy a deadline to abandon the camp they have occupied for months to stop the project.

President Donald Trump has pushed for the completion of the multibillion-dollar pipeline since he took office last month, despite objections from Native Americans and environmental activists who say it threatens the water resources and sacred land of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

File image from the Standing Rock camp in December.

File image from the Standing Rock camp in December. Credit:AP

Republican Governor Doug Burgum and the US Army Corps of Engineers set a deadline of Wednesday afternoon for protesters to leave the Oceti Sakowin camp, located on Army Corps land in Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

As freezing rain fell on Wednesday morning, demonstrators burned some structures at the camp.

US President Donald Trump signed an order to allow the pipeline to proceed.

US President Donald Trump signed an order to allow the pipeline to proceed.Credit:Bloomberg

Chase Iron Eyes, a Standing Rock Sioux member, said the activists would all stay at the camp until the 2pm deadline.

"Then people will make their individual decisions about what their level of commitment is," he said by telephone on Tuesday. "Some will get arrested."

Protesters and law enforcement have clashed multiple times and hundreds of people have been arrested since demonstrations began in August.

The Standing Rock Sioux asked protesters to leave the area in December as they challenged the pipeline plans in court, but some 300 demonstrators have remained.

Law enforcement officials have urged people to leave the camp ahead of the deadline, saying they could be at risk from spring floods, as well as to remove anything that could be damaged during cleanup efforts.

"We really would like them (protesters) to get the culturally sensitive items out so when they bulldoze and clean out the camp they aren't dealing with any of those things," said Morton County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Maxine Herr.

State officials have set up a travel assistance centre to provide departing protesters with food, water and health check-ups, as well as a voucher for one night's accommodation at a Bismarck hotel and a bus ticket home.

Mr Trump, a Republican, signed an executive order clearing the way for the $US3.8 billion pipeline to proceed.

A judge denied a request earlier this month by two tribes seeking to halt construction. The tribes are seeking an injunction to order the Army Corps to withdraw the easement.

The pipeline will be complete and ready for oil between March 6 and April 1, according to court documents filed Tuesday.


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