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Videos about Big Ideas
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6 Habits of Highly Empathic People
Are you a Highly Empathic Person? Discover the traits of those who are, and learn how we can use empathy to support both others and ourselves. Learn more here.
The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication is a tool that we can use to resolve conflicts at both the individual and collective levels. By focusing on identifying the needs of individuals and...
The Future of Cities
Oscar Boyson travelled to cities all over the world to learn about some of ways cities are changing, building and adapting for sustainability and livability. In places he...
The Incredible Story of How a Leopard called 'Diabolo' Became Known as 'Spirit'
What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed...
Humanity's Greatest Challenges Aren't Technical, They're Human
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is incomplete as we commonly know it. Later in his life, Maslow wrote about a stage beyond self-actualization. Nichol Brandford explains how to...
What Is Universal Basic Income?
What is Universal Basic Income? Everyone’s talking about a ‘citizen’s income’ or ‘basic income’, but what on earth is it?! It sounds like a Utopian dream, but support for a...
Incredible Angela Davis Lecture Ties Together Liberation Struggles Past and Present
In commemoration of the 39th anniversary of the murder in detention of Stephen Biko, the 17th annual Steve Biko lecture is delivered by Professor Angela Davis author, activist...
The Secret to Effective Nonviolent Resistance
We're not going to end violence by telling people that it's morally wrong, says Jamila Raqib, executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution. Instead, we must find...
This Off Grid Handmade Island is One of the Most Amazing Homes in the World
Floating off the coast of Vancouver Island, a 45-minute boat ride to the nearest town, is a sustainable island fortress complete with a dance floor, art gallery and garden. For...
United Natures: a United Nations of all Species (2013)
United Natures explores the Rights of Mother Earth, Environmental Philosophy, Wisdom, Spirituality and the potential for a Neo-indigenous future for humanity. Directed and...
Turning of the Whales (trailer)
Fresh out of college, a skinny nerd with little or no social skills, my worldview heavily influenced by an Enlightenment notion of the 'human', I decided to dedicate my...
Making This Small Change Will Make a Profound Difference to Your Day
“Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant...
The News Is Center Right
The notion of the "liberal media" hides the fact that most corporate media isn't concerned about presenting a diversity of left-perspectives. That's because the media doesn't...
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Shunryu Suzuki - Essential Wisdom for the Art of Living
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." So begins this most beloved of all American Zen books. Seldom has such a small handful...
The End of Control
It’s getting up to speak, and instead of going with what you had written down on paper, going with what’s really in your heart.  It’s the road-trip where you only go where you...
Gross National Happiness Is a Profound Alternative to How Our Failing Economy Measures Progress
Bhutan is a living example that it is possible to develop in a different way, and is creating a caring economy based on the values of altruism, compassion and...
A New Story for Humanity
The film was inspired by the New Story Summit at the Findhorn Foundation: a sold-out multicultural, multigenerational enquiry into a new story for humanity, attended by change...
"The World Is My Country" Shows Origin of Yasiin Bey's World Passport
This clip from upcoming feature documentary "The World Is My Country" introduces the origins of and need for a World Passport.
Guerilla Gardening in South Central LA
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some...
You Are Me (2016)
The cosmos is One interconnected and indivisible Whole. You Are the Cosmos, and All That Is. Therefore, You Are Me! For more information, including sources and quotes...
Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil Degrasse Tyson
Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson
Compassion & Interbeing | Thich Nhat Hanh
Thích Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. Here, he shares his wisdom on compassion and explains the concept of interbeing. To...
The Truth
The tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being. Similarly to the seed of a tree, the tiny seed contains great potentials. If the spiritual Seeker protects and nourishes...
This Short Film Plays Out Like an Epic Movie That Will Shake Your Soul - But the Movie Is Real, and We are The Actors
For next year, we need a resolution capable of confronting the crisis we face, and making a future worth fighting for. This short film looks back on the crisis and confusion...
Money for Free (2015)
Around the globe, experiments are conducted with alternatives for the existing social security system that has become stuck. People no longer believe in centrally organised...
A Basic Income for All!
There is enough wealth for all of us.  What if we decided that every human being has a right to income security?  How could a basic income change our lives? Could this relieve...
100% Possible - Clean, Safe, Renewable Energy
What if Steve Jobs had given up on the iPhone – how would you be reading this now?! More importantly, what would our world be like if MLK hadn't had a dream, or Gandhi never...
That's What He Said: Women
It has been said that 'Men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid men will kill them.' How do you feel about this statement? In this episode our men discuss...
Robots Stealing My Jobs
Every Job I've Ever Had Has-Been (or Will-Be) Automated  Transcripts w sources Support me on Patreon! Music by Cascading Style Beats ("Forever" album) Casey Thaler...
10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Guaranteed Livable Income
The simplest most effective solution to poverty.
Billions in Change (2015)
The world is facing some huge problems. There's a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn't reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This...
submedia.Tv: Behind the Scenes
We live in crazy times. A veritable clusterfuck of austerity, riots, and repression is playing out amidst a backdrop of growing inequality and global ecological collapse. In...
Rose Pere: We Believe In The Oneness of Everything That Exists
At her home just north of Tuai, a small town in the mountains of the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere shares some of the beliefs of her...
Help People Cross Borders
A German initiative, named after those who smuggled people from East to West Berlin, is encouraging people to give lifts in their cars to migrants in order to help them cross...
Capitalism Is Failing, and It's Time to Panic
The neoliberalist capitalist model has resulted in civil wars and economic disaster, and it’s only going to get worse. Unless, Paul Mason argues, we take advantage of the...
How to be a Peace Officer
What would it take to turn police officers who abuse their power into protectors of the peace? For a free download of The Four Agreements mentioned in this video, click...
Transition From Caterpillar to Butterfly as Analogy for Social Change
An exceprt from Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview in which Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about the fractal nature of reality and compares the current global awakening and the...
A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally
Emotions can cloud our rational decision-making. By adopting the perspective of an outside advisor, psychologist Dan Ariely says we can inject some rationality into our...
Life After Growth - Economics for Everyone (2010)
The economic crash of 2008 revealed not only the frailty and vulnerability of the economic system, it also showed the false basis that the growth economy is built on – the...
Anarchy Lives: Rojava
There is place where sex, creed and ethnicity do not harbor division. A place where everyone is military trained so that having a police force becomes obsolete. A place where...
What If Students Controlled Their Own Learning?
Peter Hutton is the principal of Templestowe College, one of the most innovative schools in Australia. He has developed a radical solution, empowering students to control their...
Self-Organisation Beyond Hierarchy
This series of six short films look beyond hierarchy at two approaches to self-organisation. Traditionally, many of us are used to having someone at the top, but times are...
The Fermi Paradox - Where Are All The Aliens?
The universe is unbelievably big – trillions of stars and even more planets. Soo… there just has to be life out there, right? But where is it? Why don’t we see any aliens?...
The Unlikely Librarian
A story by Our Better World - telling stories of good to inspire action. In an Indonesian fishing village where afternoons are spent napping, one fisherman is losing sleep so...
Bayo Akomolafe: An Oriki for the Times
Bayo Akomolafe is a researcher, lecturer and author, as well as Coordinator of the International Alliance for Localization. This is his plenary talk at the Economics of...
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
Fair World Project's new 17-minute documentary highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate...
Abby Martin Breaks the Set One Last Time
On this final episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, discusses the power of grassroots activism in getting the FCC to uphold net neutrality. Abby then speaks with Eugene...
Abby Martin Exposes Obama's SOTU Double Speak | Brainwash Update
Abby Martin discusses the hypocritical and misleading foreign policy claims made during the State of the Union.
#BlackLivesMatter: Tactics, Class Warfare, and the Legacy of Racism
Special Panel Discussion on Racism, Poverty and the Future of Ferguson. On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, features a special panel discussion on race...
Zapatista (1999)
With exclusive access and interviews with Subcomandante Marcos, Noam Chomsky and others, Zapatista is the definitive look at the Zapatista uprising, its historical roots and...