Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Clip From Samsara Will Make You Speechless

Can you put this video into words? It's a clip from the phenomenal documentary Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke, who also made Baraka.  If you're interested in watching Samsara, you can go here to buy the DVD or find on-demand streaming services where it's available like iTunes and Netflix. Update from SAMSARA producer Mark Magidson:  "We are happy this clip has struck a chord with so many people, and we hope that the interest in this clip will lead viewers to see SAMSARA in its entirety. This clip represents only 6 minutes from a 100 minute long film, which was photographed in 25 countries and explores many other diverse aspects of the human experience. We would love for viewers to experience SAMSARA as a whole." Source: Samsara (2011) (video clip) |  Films For Action (title and... read more
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Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Clip From Samsara Will Make You Speechless