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Films For Action
Location:   Lawrence, Kansas
Films For Action is a non-profit website featuring over 1500 of the best socially-conscious documentaries and videos you can watch free online. We add videos and articles regularly on a wide variety of issues, putting an emphasis on ideas, information, and perspectives not covered by the...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 31, 2017
From Sanctuary City to Liberated City
In just one week, with several strokes of a pen, Trump unleashed upon the working class in the U.S. an attack not seen in decades. From his attack on the flawed Affordable Care...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 23, 2017
The London Anarchist Group Squatting Mansions to Fight Homelessness
London squatting activists ANAL (Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians) are squatting empty multi-million pound buildings and opening them up to the homeless.
Films For Action added a video on Feb 22, 2017
Where the Term "Redneck" Came From
If you don't know this story, you'll never look at the word the same again.  This is just a window into the sometimes shocking, subversive and untold history of the United...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 22, 2017
Redneck Revolt Presents: A Message to the Patriot Movement
Over the past few weeks, Redneck Revolt has been communicating with a former member of a III% Patriot Militia based out of Ohio. Peter made contact with our organization after...
Films For Action shared a link on Feb 22, 2017
A compendium of techniques and tactics for civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action
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Films For Action added an article on Feb 20, 2017
Fighting Racism and the Limits of "Ally-Ship"
Khury Petersen-Smith and Brian Bean comment on a discussion in the Black Lives Matter movement about the role of white activists in the antiracist struggle.
Films For Action added a video on Feb 18, 2017
Thich Nhat Hanh: How We Can Learn to Love Our Enemies
This is a short excerpt from Peacemaking. I often think about this story when I think about the kind of activism I would like to bring into this world. I want to help build a...
Films For Action added an article on Feb 16, 2017
Farewell to Doublespeak: Israel's Vision for the Future Is Terrifying
Empirical historical evidence combined with a little common-sense are enough to tell us the type of future options that Israel has in store for the Palestinian people...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 16, 2017
The Importance of Empathy
With an increasingly polarized and divided world, we need empathy more than ever before. Too often we are talking at each other, unable to listen and jumping to entirely wrong...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 13, 2017
Redneck Revolt's Response to the Alt-Right
Last week, a video statement made by self-proclaimed members of the "Alt-Right" was shared by Milo Yiannopoulos and has since spread across the Internet. Their statement was...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 10, 2017
The Essence of Gaia Theory
Dr. Stephan Harding explains Gaia Theory and its Impact on his Life.
Films For Action added an article on Feb 9, 2017
Charles Eisenstein on The Challenge of Communicating Beyond the Boundaries of Consensus Reality
Last week I had two brushes with the mainstream of American culture and politics. The first was an appearance on a PBS television show, the Tavis Smiley show. As far as I can...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 8, 2017
Tashi And The Monk (2014)
On a remote mountaintop of the Himalayas sits Jhamtse Gatsal (Tibetan for “The Garden of Love and Compassion”), a special school and home for 85 abandoned and neglected...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 7, 2017
The Circle of Human Concern
In a new animated video, Haas Institute Director john a. powell asks, "Who belongs in the circle of human concern?" Through the framework of belonging, the video explains how...
Films For Action added an article on Feb 4, 2017
True Justice Should Have Compassion in It
I believe that true justice should have compassion in it. When someone does something harmful, destructive, the destruction is done not only to the person who is the victim...
Films For Action added an article on Feb 2, 2017
Why Punching Nazis in the Face Is a Bad Idea
I see all sorts of well-meaning and otherwise intelligent and thoughtful people applauding neo-Nazi Richard Spencer being punched in the face. Here’s why this is not something...
Films For Action added a video on Feb 2, 2017
Wetheuncivilised, a Life Story (2017)
Disillusioned by a story of consumption and alienation, a newly married couple is called to action. Carrying with them their unborn child, they embark on a year-long journey...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 31, 2017
The Urgency of Slowing Down
On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his assassination, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “Beyond Vietnam” speech in Harlem’s Riverside Church. In it, he spoke of...
Films For Action added an article on Nov 27, 2016
Keep Your Spirits Up: You Can't Help the World When You're Tired and Sad
We must take care of ourselves in a way that ensures our compassion is not drained away.
Films For Action added an article on Jan 31, 2017
Trump's Actions Warrant a General National Strike
Political movements rarely succeed without causing discomfort and inconvenience
Films For Action added an article on Jan 30, 2017
Trial Balloon for a Coup?
Analyzing the news of the past 24 hours
Films For Action added a video on Jan 30, 2017
Strategies of Hope: How Americans Can Fight Hate Under Trump
Films For Action added an article on Jan 30, 2017
Six Principles for Resisting the Presidency of Donald Trump
Drawing from the Beautiful Trouble and Beautiful Rising toolboxes, here are six key concepts that may prove useful to movements preparing to resist Donald Trump’s...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 30, 2017
First They Came for the Immigrants - And NYT Said People Should Anonymously Inform on Them
As Donald Trump issued an executive order intended to single out Muslims for immigration restrictions, many Americans searched their consciences for the right way to respond to...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 28, 2017
How Do I Know Good Can Overcome Ignorance, Spite and Hate? Because I've Seen It.
A tweet moves Rob Hopkins to share a personal experience from his family’s life.
Films For Action added an article on Jan 24, 2017
The Safety Pin and the Swastika
The frameworks of liberal identity politics and “alt-right” white nationalism are proving curiously compatible.
Films For Action added an article on Jan 20, 2017
Something Better to Offer Trump Voters Tired of Waiting for Their Turn
A world free of extremes of wealth and poverty in which no one needs to stand in line for a chance at a secure and fulfilling life.
Films For Action added a video on Jan 20, 2017
What Is a Gift Economy? - Alex Gendler
What if, this holiday season, instead of saying "thank you" to your aunt for her gift of a knitted sweater, the polite response expected from you was to show up at her house in...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 20, 2017
Obama's Hidden Role in Worsening Climate Change
It should be a scandal that leftists-liberals paint Trump as a special threat, a war mongerer – not Obama who is the first president to be at war everyday of his eight years...
Films For Action added an article on Jan 20, 2017
Union Co-Operatives: What They Are and Why We Need Them
Neoliberal policies contribute to alienation, disempowerment and non-unionised jobs, but a new model for unions could break the vicious circle, argues Simon Taylor.
Films For Action added an article on Jan 2, 2017
The (R)Evolution is Unity: Reflections on the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa
Habari Gani! (What's the News in Swahili, the greeting during Kwanzaa) Christmas Day in Willingboro, South Jersey - right outside of Philadelphia - was spent recovering from...
Films For Action added a video on Dec 23, 2016
How You Change People
This is exactly what we all need right now. Here is a great secret of life that you can use to change the hearts and minds of everyone in your world. Speech by Garret John LoPorto
Films For Action added an article on Dec 21, 2016
Is It Time to Say Goodbye to the Non-Binary in Gender?
Being defined by a negative speaks more of bureaucracy than of sex or self-expression.
Films For Action added an article on Dec 21, 2016
The Limits of Anti-Racism
Antiracism is a favorite concept on the American left these days. Of course, all good sorts want to be against racism, but what does the word mean exactly? The contemporary...
Films For Action added an article on Dec 21, 2016
Stop Fueling the Anti-Russia Frenzy - It's Bound to Backfire
This week began with a mass email from the head of the Democratic National Committee, who declared: “By now, Americans know beyond any reasonable doubt that the Russian...
Films For Action added an article on Dec 20, 2016
Nonviolent Lives: Stories for Teaching Nonviolence
It’s time to teach nonviolence. It is time to flood the curricula of our schools with subjects that can improve human relations such as Nonviolent Communication, Nonviolent...
Films For Action added a video on Dec 14, 2016
Bernie Sanders Transforms Trump Supporters Into Liberals
Bernie Sanders spoke to Trump supporters, and the results were surprising. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. 
Films For Action added an article on Dec 12, 2016
CIA "Concludes" Russia Meddled in US Election, Provides No Evidence
'What we have instead are assertions, disseminated by anonymous people, completely unaccompanied by any evidence, let alone proof,' writes Glenn Greenwald
Films For Action added an article on Oct 10, 2016
The Lid Is off, The Truth Is Coming Out
It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to...
Films For Action added an article on Dec 9, 2016
Fake News: Sensibly Navigating the Information Highway
Many people are telling us who to believe and who not to believe using lists of “fake news” outlets that  inevitably encourage censorship, yet there is a much more sensible way...