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Andrew Butler
Location:   Bristol, Avon
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 23, 2017
Dreams of My Children - A Syrian Refugee's Plea
Hala and her family are from the Syrian city of Aleppo. In 2012, her husband was kidnapped and she and her four children fled to Germany. Now, as the family tries to rebuild...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 22, 2017
The title of Ava DuVernay’s extraordinary and galvanizing documentary 13TH refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 22, 2017
Stunning Small Homes Form Part of a Communal Compound for Best Friends
If you’re lucky enough to have longtime friends even as an adult, then you know probably already know how much it means to be able to spend time together. Maybe you even have a...
Andrew Butler rated The Lessons of Standing Rock 5 stars on Feb 22, 2017
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 21, 2017
Philippine Vigils Against Vigilantes - The Reign of Terror in the President's War on Drugs
The war on drugs waged by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has taken more than 7,000 lives since its inception. It took the killing of a South Korean businessman by police...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 21, 2017
Two Ways to Build Global Community
A platform co-operative approach to information, rather than the models of Facebook and legacy media, provide reason for optimism, writes Dan Hind.
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 21, 2017
System Change Will Not Be Negotiated
We frequently hear calls for system change, at public mobilisations, in conference halls and even in negotiation halls. The calls come as slogans, they come in anger and they...
Andrew Butler rated The Price of Certainty 5 stars on Feb 21, 2017
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 21, 2017
How Norway Avoided Becoming a Fascist State
Instead of falling to the Nazi party, Norway broke through to a social democracy. Their history shows us polarization is nothing to despair over.
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 21, 2017
Artificial Ethics and the Search for Intelligence
How to stop a robot turning evil.  It's 2027 and Mental Endeavours Ltd has a problem with their flagship robot Günther. How do you program an intelligent machine not to...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 20, 2017
What Happens When You Rebel Against the Herd
Are You Truly Living Your Life? You live, but are you living the way you want to live, or the way others want you to live? You choose, but are your choices based on...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 20, 2017
What Would It Take to Stop the Raids?
Responding Effectively to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Attacks
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 20, 2017
Murdoch and Trump, Sitting at the Tee, S-C-H-E-M-I-N-G
Say what you like about Donald Trump but he's already done things people said were impossible, like made Twitter worse. Looking back, the Harambe situation is the closest...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 20, 2017
How Comedy Can Disarm Bullies
As long as you're funny, it can get you out of almost anything - even getting mugged, as co-founder of Between Two Ferns Scott Aukerman recounts. Unfortunately, not everyone...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 20, 2017
Simple Social Experiment Shows We Are More Than The Boxes People Put Us In
We live in a time where we are quick to put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in common than what we think?
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 17, 2017
The Price of Certainty
It’s alarming to see how polarized politics have become in the United States. The wider the gulf grows, the more people seem to be certain that the other side is wrong...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 17, 2017
NRA's Trump Card - Inside Trump's Era of Guns
Deregulating silencers, broadening concealed carry and undercutting state gun laws are just a few likely changes after the National Rifle Association supported President Trump...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 17, 2017
Hans Rosling Brilliantly Explains Complexity of Population and Resource Issues Using Simple Tools
Let me show you the world, says Swedish academic Han Rosling as he demonstrates the dynamics of population growth, child mortality and carbon dioxide emissions. The challenge...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 17, 2017
Justice for Adama - The Family Protesting Police Brutality in France
Adama Traoré died in police custody last year. His family's struggle for justice has put police brutality back under the spotlight in France and his older sister Assa is...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
The Caretaker: An Immigrant Nation Short Film
The Caretaker is an intimate portrait of the relationship between an immigrant caretaker, and a woman in the last months of her life. This short film is the first of eight...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
Meet the Earthship
Outside of Taos, New Mexico, you'll find a community of people living in off-grid homes made of garbage. The homes are called Earthships and were invented by Michael Reynolds...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 15, 2017
Runaway Inequality Elected Trump. Here's How It Can Help Defeat Him
One of the best forms of resistance will be our demand for a more equitable and humane economy
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 15, 2017
Reason, Creativity and Freedom: The Communalist Model
Humanity stands at a crossroads. Now, more than ever, history calls for a grassroots democracy at a global scale. If we look carefully, all the tools are at hand.
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
The 'Alpha Dog' Myth Is Leading Countless People to Mistreat Their Dogs
Do you think of yourself as the alpha dog of the house? Do you think it's important to assert your dominance over your dog? Well, you're in for a surprise.  The alpha dog is a...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
The Rule of Law and Freedom of the Press Under Attack
Donald Trump is driving liberals crazy, says Jonathan Freedland, but how worried should they really be? He claims that norms of democracy - such as a free press and the rule of...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 15, 2017
Stressed? These Gifs Will Help You Relax
If you’ve been feeling increasingly stressed lately, then check out these instantly relaxing gifs and see for yourself why researchers recommend them.
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
Jihad – A Story of the Others (2016)
The world has watched aghast as thousands of young men and women abandon comfortable lives in the West to join the barbaric ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Girls and...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 15, 2017
British Ex-Jihadi in Appeal Not to Join ISIS
In this powerful film, Abu Muntasir tells the story of how he decided to travel for Jihad in Afghanistan, the traumatic reality of what faced him there and why he changed his...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 14, 2017
Love Knows No Borders
At a time when immigrant and minority communities are under unprecedented attack from discrimination and racism across the UK, At a time when the right to Free Movement of us...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 14, 2017
How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?
In 1995, scientists pointed the Hubble Telescope at an area of the sky near the Big Dipper. The location was apparently empty, and the whole endeavor was risky – what, if...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 13, 2017
All Together Now
This is how to stop demagogues and extremists: rebuild community.
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 13, 2017
Glacier Exit
We stood on the ice dunes of the glaciers of Alaska in the midst of a snowy winter. Trekking the slopes of another planet had been on our list for a long time. The silence and...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 13, 2017
10 Films to Keep You Inspired After the Women's March
Movies to remind you there’s hope in the fight for justice and equality.
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 13, 2017
Foster Child Grows Up to Adopt Four Children and Work to Improve Lives of All Kids in Care
Rob Scheer wants to make sure no other child in the foster care system has an experience like the ones he and his children had. To that end he has adopted four children of his...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 13, 2017
I See You, Piers Morgan
I see you, Piers Morgan. I see your simpering, chinless pout, full of pompous self-regard, the sound of your own voice the only fuel you need to get through the day. I see you...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 13, 2017
Squat The Rich
London activists are squatting empty multi-million pound buildings and opening them up to the homeless. Across the UK there are now at least 4,134 people categorised as...
Andrew Butler added a video on Feb 13, 2017
Ken Loach and 'I, Daniel Blake' Crew Speak Out Against Callous Elite
Director Ken Loach accepts the Bafta award for Best British Film for his portrayal of life in the British welfare system in I, Daniel Blake. He uses his speech to criticise the...
Andrew Butler added an article on Feb 10, 2017
This Mr. Men Trump Parody Is Genius!