Trump's America

Donald Trump campaign star Kellyanne Conway named as White House presidential counsellor

Posted December 23, 2016 05:52:36

Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster who was widely credited with bringing a more disciplined approach to Donald Trump's presidential election campaign, is set to become White House counsellor when the President-elect takes office next month.

Key points:

  • Conway is praised as first woman to guide a winning US presidential campaign
  • Trump says Conway is "tireless" and can "effectively communicate our message"
  • Conway says she did not accept a position offered earlier on in the transition

In her new post, Ms Conway will play a key advisory role, helping to manage Mr Trump's messaging and legislative priorities, the transition team said in a statement on Friday.

It praised Ms Conway, 49, as the first woman campaign manager to guide a winning US presidential campaign.

Both before the November 8 election and after, as a senior adviser on the transition team, Ms Conway has been a frequent presence on US television news programs, often called upon to defend or explain Mr Trump's thinking.

Ms Conway "played a crucial role in my victory," Mr Trump said in the transition team statement.

"She is a tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate our message."

Mr Trump, a New York businessman, takes office on January 20.

In an interview with ABC's Good Morning America shortly after the announcement, Ms Conway said Mr Trump was finalising his communications staff and was preparing to announce his choices for White House press secretary and related posts soon.

Asked when Mr Trump would hold his first news conference, Ms Conway avoided directly answering the question.

Mr Trump has held several rallies since winning the election but has not taken formal questions from reporters.

He cancelled a December 15 news conference to discuss how he would handle his vast business interests once in the White House and said he would reschedule that for January.

Ms Conway told ABC that Mr Trump was focusing on forming his Cabinet.

"He's been very busy doing that," she said.

Because of her prominent role in the campaign and transition team, there had been considerable speculation over what post Ms Conway, a veteran political strategist, might occupy in Mr Trump's administration.

Ms Conway, who has four children, said she did not immediately accept a position offered to her early on in the transition period because she had to weigh her family obligations.

"I would say that I don't play golf and I don't have a mistress so, I have a lot of time that a lot of these other men don't," Ms Conway told Fox Business News.

"I see people on the weekend spending an awful lot of time on their golf games and that's their right, but the kids will be with me, we live in the same house, and they come first."


Topics: government-and-politics, us-elections, united-states