Donald Trump presidency 'unlikely' to ruffle Australian economy, Deloitte Access Economics report says

Updated November 21, 2016 09:53:10

A leading budget watcher is forecasting a Donald Trump presidency will not have a significant impact on Australia's federal budget.

The Deloitte Access Economics budget monitor released today found national income has been recovering more slowly than the Federal Government's budget forecasts predicted.

The report's author, Chris Richardson, said coal prices were driving growth but many of the factors behind that were temporary.

He said two thirds of the national income came from taxes on wages, and that was where the problem was.

"Just last week we heard a new record low for wage growth in Australia, job growth has faded as well," Mr Richardson said.

"They aren't keeping up with the budget forecasts for them.

"It looks like this year and probably the next few years thereafter we will fall shy of the budget forecasts."

Trump 'unlikely big news' for Australia's economy

But in looking to Australia's future bottom line, Mr Richardson cautioned against overstating the potential impact of a Trump administration.

Mr Richardson said the area where Mr Trump could hurt Australia's economy would be trade.

But he said overall, people should not panic.

"The chances are that policies will change, but what will change will be slower and smaller than you've heard in the campaign," he said.

"By and large, President Trump is unlikely to be big news for the economy of Australia."

Mr Richardson said the growth of other nations such as China had lessened the impact of US policies on Australia.

He said an ongoing concern was the cost of the Federal Government failing to get a backlog of budget measures through Parliament.

Mr Richardson said the Government's omnibus bill was helpful, but its benefits were limited.

"People don't like to hear that the Australian budget needs more work," he said.

"It is just maths.

"As a society we need to come to terms with spending cuts and tax increases to get us to a more sustainable state."

Ratings agencies watching Parliament: Treasurer

In a statement, Treasurer Scott Morrison said the report "correctly [identified] the need for more important savings measures to be passed by the Parliament, that are opposed by Labor".

"This reinforces the position adopted by rating agencies who continue to watch our Parliament to see whether they will support the Government's approved pathway to restore the budget to balance," he said.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen and Opposition finance spokesman Jim Chalmers said the budget monitor predicted the deficit to blow out by $24 billion over the forward estimates.

"With the ratings agencies already expressing concern about the budget position, any further blowout of this nature will put our hard-earned AAA credit rating at even more danger of being lost," a joint statement read, adding a blowout would make it harder to return the budget to surplus in 2020-21.

However, Mr Morrison said speculation about Australia's credit rating was "no panacea to repairing the budget".

"Labor's approach at the last election was to worsen the budget deficit over the forward estimates and increase taxes that would slow economic growth," he said.

Topics: government-and-politics, budget, business-economics-and-finance, economic-trends, us-elections, australia, united-states

First posted November 21, 2016 00:01:43