
Questions raised over testing of cucurbit seeds following suspected case of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus

Posted February 23, 2017 17:27:58

The detection of a suspected case of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) has raised questions about the adequacy of the mandatory seed testing regime.

Biosecurity Queensland is sampling testing in order to confirm if the virus is present at a greenhouse cucumber farm in the Bundaberg region.

While it was not yet clear where in the supply chain the virus may have been transmitted, it was detected by a seed company representative, and past outbreaks have also been linked to imported seeds.

Australian Melon Association industry development manager Dianne Fullelove said seed supply for the cucumber industry was a concern.

"One of the pathways for this virus to get into a farming system is through seed," she said.

"When we have isolated farms becoming infected we have to question about the seed supply and whether the seed is being tested properly and that it's not infected with CGMMV when it comes into the country."

Since the virus was found in the Northern Territory in 2014, cucurbit seeds imported to Australia were required to be tested for CGMMV.

Biosecurity manager for the nursery industry John McDonald said the detection did raise some questions about the testing regime.

"If the seed was imported since the Australian Government mandated the testing and held here for distribution and sale, it may not have been tested to the Australian import requirement," he said.

"If it has come in since the mandated testing was implemented (2015) and it has gone through that process and that's been verified it might raise some questions around the sampling methodology, it might need to be reviewed."

He said it was troubling the seed companies had not detected the problem before the seeds were distributed.

"I would have thought just with their own general due diligence and risk management that they would have grabbed anything they still held (in 2015) and given it at test to have that confidence," he said.

"Any sampling regime to test something isn't going to guarantee 100 per cent that you will detect everything.

"If their seed company was holding a large supply of seed that had been tested and phytosanitary certificate had been provided to say it was tested and found free and now that they may have found it and that seed company has distributed widely, yes it could be of concern."

The virus can cause fruit abortion, uneven ripening, internal yellowing, breakdown of the flesh and malformation leading to substantial crop losses.

$150 million industry at risk

Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers managing director Bree Grima said growers needed to be able to trust their seed supply.

"Growers need to have a certain amount of faith that the products that they're using have been tested and that they're free from these viruses," she said.

"It is a little concerning if these procedures that have been put in place specifically for this virus are failing.

"If we were to group all of those (cucurbit) commodities together I think for the Bundaberg region alone you could easily be looking at $150 million farm gate value," she said.

She urged growers to tighten their biosecurity practices to prevent any potential incursion.

"That can be as simple as not sharing machinery between properties, ensuring trucks don't actually drive onto their properties but stick to the sheds and the bitumen areas," she said.

"They should also be ensuring that the people coming on to their property are there for a specific purpose, making sure that all of the boots and the work gear are cleaned thoroughly, they can even get biosecurity signs and put them on their gates.

"It is a very easily spread virus," she said.

But she said she had faith Biosecurity Queensland was implementing the necessary procedures, should the virus be confirmed.

Topics: rural, agricultural-crops, pest-management, pests, bundaberg-4670