Sweden and Trump's claims of terrorism

Wednesday 22 February 2017 5:30PM (view full episode)

Earlier this week, Donald Trump told supporters that Sweden was “having problems like they never thought possible”.

That’s supposedly because it’s given a home to thousands of refugees.

Trump even implied Sweden had suffered an overnight terrorist attack. It was news to the Swedes.

He later said he was talking about a Fox news report on crime.

Well, as if on cue, there was a riot in Stockholm on Tuesday. Six cars were burned and a photographer assaulted.

Sweden has absorbed 166,000 refugees since 2015 and there are challenges, including from a rising nationalist party, the Sweden Democrats.

But the country still prides itself on its generosity, says Dr Henrik Emilsson of the Malmo Institute of Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare.

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Dr Henrik Emilsson
Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity, and Welfare,


Andrew West
Nadyat El Gawley
Sound Engineer
Tim Jenkins
Executive Producer
Jane Jeffes

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