ACT News

Three crashes start slow morning for Canberra traffic

Three car crashes on ACT roads have caused headaches for Canberra drivers on Thursday morning, and although no humans were seriously injured, a collision with a kangaroo is slowing traffic.

A car on Pialligo Avenue hit a kangaroo and, according to police, the car cannot be moved as park rangers attend the scene. The condition of the kangaroo is unknown.

On the intersection of Rowland Rees Crescent and Athllon Drive in Greenway, a collision between a car and a truck around 7am has slowed traffic and police recommend avoiding the area.

One person with minor injuries was transferred to The Canberra Hospital for assessment.

On Lambrigg Street in Farrer there was a single vehicle crash around 7am, and police also recommended avoiding the area.

One person from this crash also had minor injuries and was transferred to The Canberra Hospital for assessment.

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