ACT News


Car crashes through window of Charnwood Woolworths

A woman and her two young children had to run clear of a car as it smashed into the doors of a Woolworths store in Canberra's north on Wednesday.

Charnwood Woolworths employee Peter Fisher said another shopper about to leave had to turn and run as the car came crashing through the doors towards them.

A witness said she saw a car drive over a footpath and the nose plough through the supermarket doors before coming to a stop about a metre from the trolley section.

Mr Fisher said an elderly couple had been were in the car at the time and they were visibly shaken when speaking to paramedics.

"I was here, in the fruit and vegetable section, when I heard a huge bang and saw the car had smashed into front doors right near where a woman and her kids were getting a trolley," he said.

"I'm pretty shaken up - a lot of people here are. I'm just glad no one in the store or on the foot path was hurt. It could have been a lot worse."


An Emergency Services Agency spokesperson said an ambulance had been called to the scene around 11.30am but was not required.

ACT Policing confirmed officers attended a single vehicle crash at Charnwood Place, and said no injuries were reported.

It is understood the car was parked in the car park when the driver accidentally accelerated when he meant to reverse.

The store manager Michael Fryer said paramedics spoke to customers and staff who were shaken up by the incident.

The trolley section was temporarily blocked off while the store remained open.