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  1. Finkatutako Txioa
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  2. Duela 36 minutu

    Japan's next emperor announces readiness for Akihito to abdicate

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    Australia Post's chief executive Ahmed Fahour resigns – video

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    Indonesia's four richest men worth as much as poorest 100 million

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    North Korea demands Malaysia stop investigating Kim Jong-nam death

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    George Clooney: Trump is a 'Hollywood elitist', Bannon is a 'failed director'

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    Hospitality and retail workers to be hit by Sunday penalty rates cut – video

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    Guardian front page, Thursday 23 February 2017: Cressida Dick first woman to run Met police

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    Nascar's Danica Patrick: I've probably had 12 concussions in my career

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    Sign up for the Minute: the day in US politics, condensed

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    Trump administration rolls back transgender students' bathroom protections

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    Thousands of doctors trained in Europe 'may quit UK after Brexit'

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    Government 'watering down' pollution limits to meet Heathrow pledge

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    Forget five a day, eat 10 portions of fruit and veg to cut risk of early death

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    Legal aid shakeup hands lifeline to domestic violence victims

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    Poetry, love and psychosis: can writing help us come to terms with mental illness?

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    Brit awards 2017 winners – the full list

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    Boring and ignoring grime – but at least the Bedingfields weren't at the Brits

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    Poetry, love and psychosis: can writing help us come to terms with mental illness?

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    David Haye and Tony Bellew sell tickets but promoter Hearn calls for calm via

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    Brit awards 2017: George Michael tributes, Little Mix, Skepta and more – video highlights

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