Daily Life

Now my youngest child is at school, I'm re-learning an important lesson

"Champagne and Tissues" they call it at our school – a post-drop-off refuge for parents seeking solace from the discombobulation of children starting kindy, with a hanky and prayer handed out on arrival. 

I needed it. The hanky and the prayer. My first child at school I could deal with. I still had one at home to break the fall. But I knew it was only a matter of time before they would both be gone for a good part of each day, slipping further from my grasp – a leap closer to boyhood from babyhood. Then what would become of me?

My anguish is mitigated by knowing how much my youngest wants this. He's been counting down the days since he could count, asking me how many more sleeps, melting down at Westfield for no other reason than that he's "bored" and hankering for Big School.

On day one, he was off without a backward glance, and he tells me now that what he hates most about school is going home. So I conceal my longing and try not to cling, careful not to rain on his parade. It's comforting to know I have company, that thousands of other parents are also grappling with their kids starting school, a new life phase almost as daunting as motherhood itself.

"I felt quite lost," says my friend LJ, a mother of three. "It was like a grieving process." Information abounds on how to help kids with separation anxiety. But what if they're not the anxious ones?

This thrilling new start for the child is a consequential ending for the mother. For a good seven years, my children have been my life. I've been blessed to be able to keep my career ticking simultaneously along, working mainly at night, allowing me to compartmentalise.


My days slipped into a steady rhythm of playgrounds, bush walks, scootering, Banksia Buddies nature play, Action Sports and BrightSparks drama.

We've met every animal at the zoo, had picnics for two, and played endless games of Monopoly Junior. On one memorable occasion (craft not being my strong point), we made a rocket out of kitchen paper rolls. "Adventure Tuesday" we would call it (or whatever day it was), as my youngest and I whiled away the hours while his big brother was at school. 

Now, from 9.15am to 2.45pm at least, the house is empty. Unnervingly so. And there among the Hot Wheels tracks and Lego detritus of the morning's play, the world is my oyster. 

I think of all those things I haven't been able to do for seven years, and there are many: yoga, exercise, tax returns. Read books, sort photos, send thank-you cards (from my first baby's birth). Update my website. Write more. Funny, but there were moments over the last few years when I craved all of that and now the time has come, I'm wavering. My new relationship with time, now that I have more of it, is love-hate.

The pressure to do something useful with my 5-and-a-half unscheduled hours a day weighs heavily. It's what Sarah Napthali, author of Buddhism for Mothers of Schoolchildren, calls "the gnawing sense of failure around how effectively we use our day." 

The routine of the school day brings its own challenges, a burgeoning to-do list and with that, writes Napthali, an "obsessive attachment" to being efficient. At school pick-up, we look about and wonder where the day went.  

I take note from more seasoned school mums, who seem adept at making the most of it. They turn up in their activewear because they are genuinely en route to the gym.

My fellow school mum, Brigitta, says she felt sad "for about an hour" when her second son started school, then excited. "I felt like I got my life back", she says. She'll happily go to the movies or for lunch with friends in the in-between hours because nurturing herself makes her a "better mum".

"I need that time to fill myself up, then when the kids get home from school I'm happy to focus on them 100 per cent," she says. "The washing is done, the shopping is done, so I can give them my all."

That would be handy. In the meantime, I've rostered myself on as a "parent helper" and for tuckshop duty. It's a transition of sorts, embracing new-found free time while looking over my shoulder.