Daily Life

Thanks to social media, changing your mind has turned into a painful rebranding process

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I have an awkward confession. I no longer eat Nutella. I haven't eaten it for a year. And I am anxious about sharing this fact, because I am known online for loving Nutella. I am sent Nutella pictures and Nutella recipes and actual jars of Nutella almost every week. I fear I will disappoint my fans by telling them the truth.

It seems absurd that such a tiny issues as chocolate spread can be significant, but on social media, it is. On social media, our tastes, our beliefs, our politics and our preferences are all documented for the world to see. Our followers know who we are, and they know what we think. When we change our minds, they notice and they comment. Our inconsistencies are traceable, our duplicities revealed. And this creates an implicit incentive to stick to our guns.


And just like that, my life is complete #nutella

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Consider what happens when public figures change their minds. Trump backtracks on refugee deal! the headlines scream. Baird abandons racing ban! Another backflip from Turnbull!

But it happens to non-politicians too. Think of Bindi Irwin, who was called out for wearing makeup after imploring young girls to go makeup free. Or Brad and Ange, who were criticised for marrying before gay marriage was legalised, despite proclaiming many times that they would wait. Or Instagram star Essena O'Neill, who caused a media frenzy when she changed the way she captioned her photos.

It is tough changing your mind in the public eye, and it takes a strong person to weather the storm. But with social media, we are all in the public eye. Every picture, every post, every comment is there to be liked or critiqued or debated. And this changes the way we debate and think. It changes the exchange of ideas.


I thought of this last night, as I was chatting with a friend. We were discussing internet privacy, a subject on which we hold very different views. Over dinner and drinks, I could listen to his ideas, think them through, and admit when he was right.

And it occurred to me that this dialogue would have played out very differently on the internet. My friend would have posted his theory, I would have disagreed in the comments, he would have retorted, I would have backed further into my corner, and the whole thing would have ended in anger and a stalemate.

There is something about the written word that solidifies our arguments, and forces us to take a position one way or another. Posting our arguments online backs us further into our positions, and then the public recognition – the likes, the comments – locks us into these arguments for the long haul.

It is far harder to back down from a debate on Facebook or Twitter than to concede in a discussion in person. And it is far harder to change your position in front of thousands of followers than it is to simply change your mind.

I see endless opinions and arguments online, and I see very little movement of ideas or beliefs. And when there is movement, there is inevitably fallout, from those with a stake in the original position.

We don't like it when people move away from their publicly stated opinions, whether we're aligned with them or not. We see it as weakness rather than strength, as backing down rather than edification.

Though it seems counterintuitive given the massive exchange of ideas, social media actually hinders, rather than facilitates, growth and change. It encourages us to defend our positions, rather than to listen and learn. It creates a paradigm in which we must 'admit' to change, rather than simply evolving, as people are wont to evolve.

It forces us to 'confess' to not liking Nutella anymore. And to my Nutella-loving fans, I apologise. I do.