Daily Life

Ruline Steininger, the 103-year-old Hillary Clinton supporter, has died

Ruline Steininger, the centenarian Hillary Clinton supporter who had said she was "going to live until [Clinton's] elected", has died aged 103.

The Iowa woman, who was born in 1913, seven years before women in the US were legally able to vote, passed away on January 31, her daughter-in-law told CNN.

"She had a long and productive life and did much to inspire many women, young and old," Karen Steininger told the news outlet. "One of my favourite things that she said, as my husband was telling her about the Women's March here in Des Moines, was to please send Hillary a note after her death and to let her know that she'll still be fighting. An activist even after she's gone."

Steininger voted for Clinton at an early voting location in Iowa on September 29, and met with the Democratic candidate afterwards.

"I'm not taking any chance and leaving it 'til the election," Steininger told Clinton at the time. "When you're 103, you make every minute count."

"And you have made every minute of all those years count," Clinton replied.


She featured in one of Clinton's campaign videos, in which she said she the election of her country's first female head of state would "let little girls know that they can be anything they want to be in this country", remarking that when she was in high school women could only choose between being a high school teacher or a nurse.

Clinton responded to the news on Thursday, tweeting Steininger's campaign video alongside a message of condolence for her family.

"At 103, Ruline Steininger had an energy [and] vibrancy all should aspire to," Clinton wrote. "My thoughts & prayers are [with] her family."

In February 2016, then aged 102, Ruline Steininger first made headlines when CNN reported she had caucused for Clinton in Iowa

"I've got a big job ahead of me ... I've got to live," she told the news outlet at the time. "After that, okay, I can die if I want to, but I'm going to live until she's elected."

Clinton responded to her story on Twitter, saying that her support meant "the world".