
KEN OLDIS 1963-2016

Lawyer authenticated Ned Kelly's armour

The passion for historical projects was one of the most endearing features of barrister and historian Ken Oldis.

There aren't many barristers who would agree to attend a cloak-and-dagger meeting in a deserted outer suburban carpark so as to authenticate a missing shoulder piece from Ned Kelly's suit of armour. But barrister and historian Ken Oldis, who died late last year, didn't hesitate.

His ongoing fascination with the Kelly story had led to him researching and developing an encyclopaedic knowledge of Ned's iconic outerwear and he knew that it was incomplete. If meeting up with an anonymous source in this way could help in the process of reassembling the armour correctly, he would be there. With bells on.

After measuring the thickness of the metal and the size of the holes, and evaluating the general condition of the piece, Ken proclaimed it the real deal. He then did everything he could to ensure that it was reunited with the rest of Kelly's surviving armour and reassembled in the correct formation – something that most certainly hadn't been the case during the period when it was displayed in the Old Melbourne Gaol on Russell Street. This was something that had incensed Ken ("You wouldn't hang a Picasso upside down. But they've even hung some of the pieces back to front!") His advocacy led to the armour eventually being reassembled and moved to the State Library of Victoria, where it is exhibited today.

Ken's Kelly research was documented in his article 'The True Story of the Kelly Armour', published in The Latrobe Journal in 2000. In it, he explained how colonial illustrator and journalist Thomas Carrington made a drawing of Ned's armour immediately after his capture, endowing us with an accurate record of its appearance and arrangement. By comparing the dents and bullet holes in the surviving armour to those shown in Carrington's drawing, Ken was able to suggest an accurate reconstruction. It was a perfect illustration of his logical approach to historical research and his firm belief that it is never too late to right a wrong.

This passion for historical projects was one of Ken's defining and most endearing features. Born on March 27, 1963, the youngest of four children, he spent his early years reading, telling stories and collecting toy soldiers, a pastime that prefigured a lifelong fascination with military history. After attending Coatesville State School and Moorleigh High School in East Bentleigh, he moved to Melbourne High School, where history was his favourite subject. He then majored in history while completing an arts/law degree at the University of Melbourne.

In recent decades, Ken spent untold research hours in the Public Records Office of Victoria. It was in that archive that he uncovered the fascinating story of Chinese detective Fook Shing, who had played a minor role in the hunt for the Kelly gang and who also played an intriguing role during the police investigation and trial of two Chinese men accused of murdering an Englishwoman in Melbourne in 1856.


Ken's meticulously researched and evocatively written story of the trial, The Chinawoman, was published by Australian Scholarly Publishing in 2008 and awarded the Victorian Community History Prize in 2009. Fellow historian Ian Jones described it as "a penetrating forensic study and a nationally significant piece of social history presented as a rattling good yarn of colonial Melbourne at its most gothic."

The Chinawoman dealt with the racism, class and gender divides that fuelled injustice throughout Australia's history  – injustices that Ken devoted his considerable intellect and energy to analyse and expose in all of his historical research.

His final project, sadly unfinished, was about Elizabeth Scott, the first woman executed in the Colony of Victoria. Convicted by an all-male jury of conspiring to murder her drunkard husband, to whom she had been married aged only 13, Elizabeth was hanged at the old Melbourne Gaol in 1863.

Ken was convinced that Elizabeth had been denied a fair trial (no evidence was given on her behalf) and was outraged at the lack of compassion shown by Sir William Stawell, known at the time as the "Hanging Judge". When discussing the case with friends, he was as passionate and engaged as if the case was currently under way, rather than 150 years old. That's what made him such a great historian and storyteller.

Ken's achievements in the law were equally impressive. After graduating, he worked as a volunteer with the Fitzroy Legal Service, completed his articles with Paul Markopoulos & Co and then went on to work at Galbally & Rolfe for eight years, appearing as a solicitor-advocate in criminal law matters in the Magistrates' and County Courts and in the Supreme Court. His clients included AFL footballer Jimmy Krakouer, for whom he appeared in the High Court of Australia three times and the WA Court of Appeal twice; much of this work was done pro bono.

In 1998, Ken came to the bar and read with John Smallwood. The bar was a good fit – he enjoyed reading and dissecting briefs, and loved nothing more than an intellectual stoush. As a barrister, he relished defending clients who he categorised as underdogs, and never took a prosecution brief. It just wasn't his style.

As a barrister, he relished defending clients who he categorised as underdogs, and never took a prosecution brief.

He dug deep to uncover the backstories of his clients, many of them immigrants, arguing for the kind of mercy that had invariably been lacking during their lives. Professional crooks held less sway with him, but he respected the cab-rank principle and applied exceptional technical skill to any brief he took on.

While juggling his work in history and the law, Ken also indulged his passions for AFL (he was a lifelong St Kilda supporter) and for cars. His many friends will never forget the unrestrained joy that he took in his final automotive purchase – a fully electric BMW i3 that had an acceleration capacity akin to a rocket. He also loved to travel and did so regularly, starting in the 1980s when he followed the overland trail through Asia, India, Pakistan and Iran to Europe, and returned home via China and Nepal. His last trip was to Uluru.

Ken died on 30 October, 2016, after a seven-month battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 53. He is survived by his parents Pat and Clyde, sisters Dianne and Sandra, wife Catherine and sons Alec and Ted.