

Law changes are key to cutting drug harm

Just how much more evidence do lawmakers need that our drug laws and the almost half-century "war on drugs" have failed and are doing more harm than good?

Only a matter of weeks after three people died and dozens were taken to hospital when a batch of pills, purported to be MDMA – otherwise known as the popular party drug ecstasy – turned out to be contaminated, we are confronted by another horrifying aftermath to a dance party.

More than 20 people are critically ill after ingesting an unexpectedly strong batch of another party drug, GHB, known as liquid ecstasy, at a Melbourne dance event.

Not only are their lives in danger, but our already stretched emergency services were forced to attend the scene in droves.

The Age has long advocated that minimising the harm caused by substances requires changes to law and policy. In so doing, we are not condoning the misuse of substances, illicit and licit. 

The moment is propitious for enlightened, life-saving change. The issue is front and centre because of the aforementioned incidents. At the same time, there is a push by some lawmakers, and by a whole range of experts, to trial a safe injecting centre in Richmond, the centre of Melbourne's heroin trade and a place where dozens of people have died needlessly.


A coroner's report on Monday called for such a trial, and a bill to facilitate it has been introduced into the Victorian upper house by the Sex Party's Fiona Patten, one of the most knowledgeable and realistic voices in the debate. Australia's only safe injecting centre, in Sydney, has been running for more than a decade. The centre has saved lives. Crucially, as many as three in four of the people who use it have accepted referrals to health experts to help them deal with the causes of their addiction.

Premier Daniel Andrews' cabinet is said to be supportive. Further, support is growing to introduce pill testing – perhaps by making self-testing kits available – as a means to reduce the regularity of catastrophes at festivals and elsewhere. This should be seriously considered and there is a strong argument for trialling that, too. 

Of course, the safest thing is not to take drugs, and we advocate a prolonged education campaign, mirroring the hugely successful Quit campaign, which has slashed tobacco consumption. We believe the dangerous black market would be all but destroyed by decriminalising substances and regulating their production and sale. 

This has been shown to work in Portugal, where the policy was introduced 15 years ago, resulting in a decrease in drug use, drug-related crime, disease and overdoses. It has caused many other nations to adopt similar policies. They have broad appeal – to progressives and libertarians because of their support for freedom, and to conservatives because of their appreciation for evidence-based policy.

At the end of last year, a group of world leaders called for decriminalisation after the Global Commission on Drug Policy's annual report advocated ending civil and criminal penalties for drug use and possession. Prohibition, the report says, has had "little or no impact" on drug use. Indeed, the number of drug users in the world jumped by almost a fifth between 2006 and 2013, to 246 million people.

This is about being practical, pragmatic and realistic. People will always seek to take drugs. That is simply a fact. 

Another fact is that there are more drugs around today than ever, despite years of trying to arrest our way out of the situation. The solution to our drug problem lies elsewhere. We owe it to our children, in particular, to find it.