Federal Politics


Peter Dutton's reckless comments could put US deal at risk

Is Peter Dutton deliberately trying to sabotage the deal to resettle refugees from Manus Island and Nauru? Or is the Immigration Minister simply just insensitive, undiplomatic and incompetent?

Either way, the Immigration Minister is flirting with fire when he asserts Australia will not take any Costa Rica refugees from the United States until the Americans deliver on their agreement to take refugees from Manus Island and Nauru.

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Refugee deal to start in 'months'

The Nauru and Manus Island transfers to the US are due start in 'a couple of months', says Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, despite hesitations from US President Donald Trump.

He also revealed that not only he, but Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison, misled the Australian people when they asserted point blank, repeatedly, that there was no connection whatsoever between the two arrangements.

Dutton's interview with Andrew Bolt on Sky News was extraordinary in several respects, but mostly because it implied a lack of trust in the United States to deliver on the deal Malcolm Turnbull negotiated with Barack Obama.

That Dutton should do this after all the controversy over that phone call between Turnbull and Donald Trump, is, at best, inexplicable. At worst, it is dangerous and unforgivable.

Trump has made it abundantly clear that he is looking for any excuse to junk the deal and Dutton has just handed him one on a platter. What was he thinking?


"My job is to argue our case. The US can argue theirs," Dutton declared. No, mate, they are our trusted ally and Turnbull has been assiduous in asserting there is no argument.

Referring to the 2011 Malaysian people swap agreement negotiated by the Gillard government, Dutton told Bolt: "We're not going to be sucked into that sort of silly outcome".

That agreement was designed to stem the flow of boats to Australia, with Malaysia agreeing to accept 800 asylum seekers who arrived in Australia by boat in return for Australia taking 4000 refugees from Malaysia over four years.

Other potential benefits included asylum seekers being granted work rights in Malaysia.

Gillard honoured her part of the bargain, but no asylum seekers were sent from Australia to Malaysia because of Coalition obstruction, not once, but twice. Tony Abbott, who led that obstruction, has since conceded that this was a mistake.

Turnbull announced at the Obama refuge summit last September that Australia would participate in the US-led program to resettle Central American refugees currently in a resettlement centre in Costa Rica.

The same day, I wrote that, if Turnbull's offer to help the United States was not the start of a solution for those on Nauru and Manus Island, it should be.

"There is a logical quid pro quo here: that if Australia helps the US by resettling refugees being held in Latin America, they should do the same for Australia by resettling refugees detained on tiny islands," I wrote.

When Turnbull was asked if the deal could amount to a people swap agreement, he was emphatic. "The announcement today is not connected to any other arrangements," he told reporters.

This was repeated many times, including by Dutton and Morrison.

But not any more. To Bolt, Dutton also said he would not use the term "people swap" to describe the arrangement, but added that he had no "problem with the characterisation".

He then made the link crystal clear by saying Australia would not take anyone from Costa Rica "until we had assurances that people were to go off Nauru and Manus". If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Dutton also predicted that the first transfers from Nauru and Manus to the United States would take place in "the next couple of months", though this would seem a wildly optimistic assessment.

Even before Trump declared that transfers would be subjected to "extreme vetting", it was unlikely that any transfers would take place before May.

Julie Bishop has since reverted to script, declining to endorse any connection between the arrangements and expressing confidence that the agreement to resettle up to 1250 of the more than 2000 on Nauru and Manus is progressing well.

But words, once said, can't be unsaid.

Dutton can only hope Trump is too busy to have noticed or doesn't care.

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