
Safe injecting facility: Show some backbone

The refusal of both major political parties to consider an 18-month trial for safe injecting rooms ("Premier rejects coroner's call for a safe injecting room", 21/2) smacks of cowardice. It is inconceivable that the Victorian Parliament could refuse to even consider this option, given the support from the Coroner, as well as leading health and law enforcement professionals. Surely the concepts of representative and responsible government would dictate that such expert opinion would warrant a change of heart on behalf of the ALP and the Liberal Party.

The only conclusion that can be reached is that the government is terrified of being attacked as "soft on crime" if this initiative were to be introduced. Yes, there would be the usual sensationalist rantings from the usual quarters, but the fact is that politicians sometimes need to stand together against such empty cries and act in the interests of the marginalised and disempowered in our society. 

Peter Farrar, Brighton East

Where's the leadership here?

Premier Dan Andrews wants to portray himself as a great leader but his  failure to show any leadership on the safe injecting proposal is lily-livered.  A safe injecting facility would enable not only people to be saved from overdosing but would also enable support services to be put on site to refer people for rehabilitation  or mental health care.  Safe injecting has worked well in NSW. If Labor won't do it, I hope the Greens win the seat in the next election so that lives can be saved.

Douglas Potter, Surrey Hills

Forget the trial, get with the program

Despite many deaths from drug overdose in North Richmond, many users are often saved by staff at the North Richmond community medical centre where there is a needle exchange program.   A safe injecting program would provide a good local community outcome  and a safer environment for all concerned but there is no need for another pilot study as the success of this type of facility is well documented from the Kings Cross experience. And the focus should not only be on North Richmond. Common sense dictates that such facilities should be established simultaneously in all of the areas across Victoria that need them.  


Brian McGuinness, Richmond

It comes down to experience

Premier Andrews says that he has been "very, very clear prior to the election and since. We have no plans to introduce a (supervised injecting) facility like that".  Last December Mr Andrews spoke about his change of mind on the assisted dying legislation following his father's death: "My opposition to these laws was wrong …". The take-home message for long-suffering residents and traders, emergency service professionals, people who use drugs and grieving families is that we have to wait for a politician to experience a drug-related tragedy so they will support a trial of a 100 per cent life-saving injecting centre. We need informed, empathetic leaders right now.

Judy Ryan, Abbotsford

One facility will never be enough

The only way that supervised injecting rooms can operate really effectively is to have not one, but many spread out in the areas where heroin is sold so that users can access the facility quickly and safely. It is unrealistic to expect a user to buy the drug in, say, Thomastown, and wait to inject it in a centralised facility.  The cynic in me says that, for almost complete and effective supervision, intravenous drugs should be collected at approved clinics. But that's almost as radical as suggesting that such drugs should be decriminalised. 

John McMahon, Pascoe Vale


Into the profit zone

The latest crash at Essendon Airport is, as too often, tragic. But those complaining about the airport being in suburbia are missing the point, ignoring history. There "was" a buffer zone around the airport — I grew up just outside it. However, over the years, as now, developers got their wish and built within the zone, making their profits with no concern for possible consequences. We didn't learn then and we haven't learned since, that some "developments" are simply wrong, that the profit-alone motive does not produce good outcomes. Construction companies and land speculators should have no say in the planning process and should be banned from making political donations.

Margaret Callinan, Balwyn

Too close for comfort

The problems with Essendon Airport is not that the runways are too close to the DFO and residential areas. The problem is that DFO and residential areas are too close to the runways.

Geoff Payne, Mornington

Weigh the risks

Inevitably there will be those who will exploit the tragic deaths at Essendon Airport to apply pressure for its closure. Developers will again see a golden opportunity to obtain the land. It should be remembered that the airport has existed since 1921 and nearly every building in its vicinity post dates that.

There will always be risks with commercial activities. If people consider the risks too great they should consider relocating rather than pandering to developer greed.

Lance Fishman, Upwey

The answer, really?

Tullamarine Airport has houses and other buildings gradually encroaching upon it, perhaps we should close it too.

Keith Beman, Woodend

Fighting words

It amazes me that the term "class warfare" pops up whenever a policy that may affect the extremely wealthy is suggested. It is rarely mentioned when the poor, unemployed or pensioners are under attack ("Labor push to introduce 'Buffett rule' to stop the rich paying low rates of

tax", 22/2). Taxes are meant to be paid. They are our contribution to society. For the better off, a very comfortable standard of living can be had despite a few extra dollars paid in tax. The real class warfare is the incessant battle to demean and vilify those at the fringes – those without a voice and disadvantaged by birth, education or employment status.

Tony Peck, Bairnsdale

More, please

A 35 per cent Buffett tax on earners of greater than $300,000 doesn't go far enough. There should also be a 35 per cent Buffett tax on inheritances of more than $1million, and a 35 per cent Buffett tax on profits earned by the churches.

Brian Sanaghan, West Preston

Predator's paradise

So the Christian Brothers have been placing paedophiles such as Robert Charles Best as residents at their headquarters in Parkville ("Church still funds predator", 21/2)? Aside from this building also being hired out as a wedding venue and conference centre, it is only a short stroll from the Melbourne Zoo and the children's playground and football grounds at Princes Park.

If the Christian Brothers can afford to pay more than $1.5million on Best's legal defence then they can afford to move such child abusers away from areas where offenders can easily access more child victims.

Bernadette Earl, Thornbury

True colours

The Catholic Church has shown its true colours again spending a fortune funding the defence of convicted paedophile priest Robert Best, defending the indefensible. It is time the government stepped in and revoked the tax exempt status of the church until it acts more appropriately.

Ian Hudson, Yarrambat

Here's how it's done

Hello children. My name is Michael Sukkar, and today we are going to learn all about how to make housing affordable.

The first thing you have to do is get a law degree. (Well, it doesn't have to be a law degree, but if you've an eye for a career in politics, then this is one of the better ones to have.)

Next you work in a well-paid position advising top corporate entities. This provides you with sufficient income to own at least two houses by the time you are in your mid-thirties.

Then you start your political career and, by purchasing a flat in our nation's capital, you get to make the public, that's anyone who isn't you, pay for it to the tune of almost $300 a day. So now you understand that anyone can afford a house. Any questions?

Alan Whittaker, Kew East

Sage advice

So the answer to buying a house is a well-paid job? Not everyone can be a chief executive or a politician. Not everyone is allowed to earn a good salary and receive a pension, as a politician can. And it takes many years' training (unlike in the case of a politician) to reach the giddy heights of "well paid".

Anne Flanagan, Box Hill North

One-sided approach

Malcolm Turnbull joins a long list of Australian PMs taking a one sided, ideological approach to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. He conveniently ignores the illegality, immorality and injustice of Israel's action of building thousands of new houses in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Israel unashamedly passed a bill retrospectively legalising 4000 homes on privately owned Palestinian land. In this David and Goliath struggle it's regrettable but inevitable that some Palestinians retaliate in violent and destructive ways as Israel insists on treating Palestinians with total disrespect.

Fr Kevin Burke, Eltham

A delicate balance

It's probably pointless to hope that the Turnbull government will demand that Benjamin Netanyahu cease the building of settlements on the West Bank and begin an Israeli withdrawal from the territories illegally occupied for half a century. One way of atoning for this spinal deficiency would be to extend a matching invitation to a Palestinian delegation.

Ian Brown, Sandringham

Legal safeguard

I refer to the article "How the court system perpetrates further abuse" (21/2). It told of a victim of family violence in NSW being cross-examined in person by her abuser. Such incidents cannot happen in Victoria. This state's legislation prohibits an alleged abuser from personally cross-examining an applicant for an intervention order. Unless the applicant consents, a respondent must be represented by a legal practitioner or lose the right to cross-examine.

Michael Challinger, barrister, Melbourne

A welcome presence

For all the politics surrounding whether or not their expense to the taxpayer is justified, protective service officers are definitely giving train stations a friendlier vibe. When I arrived at Mont Albert station last night to head into the city, I had expected to isolate myself waiting for the train. Instead, I found myself having a lively debate with the charismatic PSOs When I returned to the station on my way home, we had somewhat of a reunion. I left warmed by the human spirit and grateful for their presence.

Cassie Cohen, Mont Albert

Duelling ideology

The government's latest weapon in its defence of the fossil fuel industry is to accuse the opposition's support of the environment through its emphasis on renewables as being ideological. Both positions are equally guided by ideology as is the government's belief in the trickle-down theory of economic management, which was discredited long ago.

Sue Currie, Northcote

Future proofing?

All this talk about incompetent base load power and the saving grace of coal. The Liberal Party would push candle power if the candle makers funded it the way the coal industry does. Why doesn't the party put Australia's interests before its own selfish aims – after all the people voted the Liberals in to manage Australia's health and welfare.

Charles Naughton, Princes Hill

Je suis Sweden

The spontaneous outpouring of public grief continues. All over Australia old men in bowling hats are driving their Volvos at half speed in memory of the victims of the Swedish massacre.

Glenn Meeves, Penrith, NSW

Penalty doublespeak

The Fair Work Commission is set to "streamline" weekend penalty rates. What a nice way to put the "slashing" of workers' pay rates. They should look at this very carefully since Malcolm Turnbull and some 60 of his cohorts will be looking for new jobs somewhere in the not too distant future.

Jim Banks, Pottsville Beach

Look Mum, no hands

Tommy Dee (Letters, 22/2), I thought I'd seen it all, too: last week, cyclist pedaling madly down hill into St Kilda junction, head right down over phone gripped in both hands, straight through red light. At least he was wearing a helmet!

Suzanne Savona, Black Rock

And another thing ... 


The best argument I've seen for ignoring the hypocrisy of "clean-coal" energy is Mr Turnbull installing solar panels with Tesla batteries at his house. Really Malcolm, not subtle.

John Higgins, Hawthorn

The Government's energy policy? Easy when you consider MalCOALm leads the COALition.

Lindsay Donahoo, Wattle Glenn

Perhaps Scotty thought if he squeezed that lump of coal hard enough, it would turn into a diamond.

 Stephen Bickell, Mount Evelyn

m. turnbulli, a formerly active carbon life form captured by the coal industry and put into storage.

Greg Curtin, Blackburn South

"I lie therefore I am" – Rene DesCoal.

Graeme Henchel, Yarra Glen

Coal. Black is the new white and lies are the new facts. "It's a time of universal deceit." (Apologies George Orwell.) 

Myra Fisher, Brighton East 


Be afraid, America. Mao Tse Trump is calling some media "enemies of the country".

Geoff Schmidt, Fitzroy North

Trump the apprentice – so far no good. 

Chris Farley, Eltham North 

And also

Is Moorabbin DFO next to Moorabbin Airport another diaster waiting to happen? 

Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick

Funny how raising taxes on the rich is class warfare but reducing welfare on the disadvantaged is prudent economic management.

Phil Alexander,  Eltham

Come on Daniel, don't follow our spineless PM; establish a safe injecting room in Richmond and save lives.

Louis Roller, Fitzroy North


Like? Yeah, no (Letters, 22/2).

Mark Herrmann, Bentleigh East