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Monday, October 1, 2012

Towards Transformative Justice - Generation Five (2007)

generation FIVE has spent the last decade, with allies across movements and across the country, developing Transformative Justice. Transformative Justice is an approach to respond to and prevent child sexual abuse and other forms of violence that puts transformation and liberation at the heart of the change. It is an approach the looks at the individual and community experiences as well as the social conditions. It is an approach that looks to integrate both personal and social transformation.
Our aim was to develop intervention and prevention that aligned with:
our analysis of child sexual abuse as both one of the symptoms and perpetuators of oppression and violence
politics committed to systemic change and liberation our commitment to healing, agency, and accountbility
the actual relationships and situations in which child sexual abuse happens the oppression and limitations of state responses. Through this we developed Transformative Justice. We will spend the next decade, with so many others exploring similar approaches, learning to apply the principles and practices of Transformative Justice.
The goals of Transformative Justice are:
Safety, healing, and agency for survivors
Accountability and transformation for people who harm
Community action, healing, and accountability
Transformation of the social conditions that perpetuate violence - systems of oppression and exploitation, domination, and state violence
The principles of a Transformative Justice approach to addressing all forms of violence include:
Shifting power
Collective Action
Respect Cultural Difference/ Guard against Cultural Relativism
G5_Toward_Transformative_Justice.pdf520.41 KB

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