IMF urges RBA to reveal interest rate forecasts

Thomas Helbling: 'Being more explicit about the interest rate policy path could be helpful.'
Thomas Helbling: 'Being more explicit about the interest rate policy path could be helpful.' Supplied

The International Monetary Fund's top economic adviser to Australia recommends that the Reserve Bank consider publishing its projected path for interest rates so financial markets have a better understanding of the outlook for monetary policy and inflation.

Thomas Helbling also said the federal government should set a long-term debt target after years of repeatedly missing budget forecasts.

At the same time, Mr Helbling says the Australian economy has performed "remarkably" well since the mining investment bust of recent years.

A major external risk, as outlined in the IMF's Article IV review of Australia published on Friday, is a "hard landing" in China, which could interact with or trigger a sharp correction in record high house prices.

RBA governor Philip Lowe.
RBA governor Philip Lowe. Bloomberg

With the Reserve Bank's overnight cash rate anchored at an historic low of 1.5 per cent and inflation below the RBA's target range since late 2014, Mr Helbling said there may be benefits from enhanced central bank public communications on expectations for inflation and interest rates, given exceptional circumstances in recent times.

The IMF warns there is a risk that subdued price pressures become entrenched and is also alert to complications if the RBA is forced to slash rates to zero in reaction to any sharp negative shock to the economy.

The dangers of persistent low inflation could be mitigated by clear RBA guidance on how long it will take for inflation to return to the midpoint of the 2-3 per cent inflation target, the IMF advises.

Inflation expectations are typically a large influence on actual price movements, studies show.

"In the current situation where inflation behaviour is a bit unusual being more explicit about the interest rate policy path could also be helpful," Mr Helbling told the Australian Financial Review in an interview in Washington.

International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde.
International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde. AP

The RBA does not reveal its own predictions for the overnight cash rate, instead publishing money market pricing.

Mr Helbling, the IMF division chief responsible for Australia, said the RBA would not necessarily need to replicate the US Federal Reserve's complicated dot plot box, which charts the interest rate path projection of every FOMC member.

Rate curve

Instead, the RBA could publish a single expected interest rate curve like other central banks, he said.

It is understood the RBA for some years has considered publishing a projected interest rate curve, but has opted not to for several reasons.

These include a high degree of uncertainty on rate levels beyond the short term. There are also concerns the public may misinterpret the forecasts as a commitment and because foreign central banks have often projected inaccurate interest rate paths.

For example, Fed members originally projected four rate rises in 2016 but lifted borrowing costs just once in December.

The IMF suggests that the RBA consider extending its inflation forecasts beyond the current two years

The RBA's quarterly monetary policy statement, released on Friday, projected that inflation would not return to the 2-3 per cent band until the June quarter of 2019. This was because of spare capacity in the labour market weighing on wage and price pressures.

As recently as November, the bank's forecasts showed inflation potentially remaining below its target band, at 1.5 to 2.5 per cent, to the end of 2018 forecast period.

Targets missed

On the federal government's fiscal policy, Mr Helbling said "budget targets have serially been missed" through consecutive governments since the 2008 financial crisis.

"That's not necessarily a problem because the economy didn't perform as well so the revenue didn't meet budget targets," he said.

"But this needs to be explained to counter concerns about the framework when you repeatedly miss the targets."

Mr Helbling, a Swiss national and 23-year veteran at the IMF, advised the government to consider a flexible long-term debt target to anchor fiscal policy.

Since 1998, when Peter Costello was treasurer, the government's medium-term fiscal strategy has been to balance the budget on average over the economic cycle.

"There may be some advantages in having a debt anchor because it takes into account the economy more," Mr Helbling said.

"When the economy is changing, you have large shocks and unexpected developments, then the medium term fiscal balance may not be stable over time."

"A debt anchor clarifies where you want to be in the long-term fiscal position and orients fiscal policy so there is less volatility in the economy."

Mr Helbling said it would be up to Australia what debt target to set.

Federal government net debt is accelerating relatively quickly and projected to hit 19 per cent by 2018-19, which is relatively low by international standards.

More on infrastructure

The IMF executive board was broadly supportive of the Turnbull government's goal of returning the budget to balance by 2021. But the fund suggested the government spend more on infrastructure and structural reforms such as a company tax cut to boost the economy's long-term growth potential.

The IMF is conscious that the RBA has dwindling monetary policy firepower if the economy turns down, and believes the government should retain flexibility to relax fiscal policy and not be too dogged on its budget surplus goal.

"It's clear by most metrics that Australia has fiscal space," Mr Helbling said.

On the politically-charged debate on the fate of the government's AAA credit rating, which is hanging in the balance, Mr Helbling said that only one of the three agencies - Standard & Poor's - had given a negative outlook.

He acknowledged fiscally conservative arguments that as a capital importing country with relatively high net foreign liabilities, there was some value in giving investors confidence about fiscal prudence.