Hey there! If you stopped to read this, wow, you're awesome! And since you're that awesome, maybe you'd be willing to check out this super sweet, not-so-top-secret campaign to take Films For Action to the next level of awesome in our quest to change the world. All the details here. Cheers!
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Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx4Xs7rj6KI
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Guide for adding videos

We want Films For Action to be a clearinghouse for the ideas, knowledge, and perspectives essential to creating a more beautiful, just and sustainable world.

Our general guideline is: only add the best of the best and filter out the rest (for more specific content tips, see this).

If you haven't added a video before, here are some tips to ensure your video has the best chance of getting a high rating from our staff and members:

Title formatting:

Documentary Name (year released)


Trailers (include the title only - we'll add (trailer) to it after you submit)

Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word

Note: The title will also become the URL for the video.
Ex: https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/this-is-the-film-title-2004


We like clean, polished titles.

For example, this title:

THIS IS THE FILM TITLE 2004 [Oscar winning documentary] part 1.avi by film-maker

Should be changed to this: 

This Is The Film Title (2004)


Is your video submission broken into multiple parts (part 1, part 2 etc)? 

After you submit part 1's URL above, please add the additional parts directly below under Other Parts (optional)

If you submit several parts as different video submissions, we will ask you to resubmit to keep our library clean and organized. Thanks! 


How about that description?

Use the Tx button to remove formatting weirdness. At least a sentence should be used to describe the video, but a paragraph or two is ideal. Usually, the video-maker will have already provided this, but if not, please write a sentence yourself. 

Put web links at the end and/or embedded in the text - NOT at the beginning, as it looks terrible elsewhere on the site.

Make sure to make web urls hyperlinks using the paperclip button. They won't automatically convert like this non-working link: https://www.filmsforaction.org.


Presentation makes a difference.

We rate videos on their presentation as well as their content, so the extra polish you add to your submission will ensure the best response from our community. :D


After you submit, don't cheat the system. 

Please do not ask your friends to up-vote your submissions or create dummy accounts to up-vote your submissions. Let our impartial community and staff decide what to feature. Users that skew the voting process risk getting their content hidden and posting privileges removed.

New submissions will show up on the homepage under New Member Submissions, so everything will get a chance to be seen and shared. If the content is great and the presentation is engaging, it will get shared and up-rated organically.

If your submission doesn't get a great response, don't worry about it too much. When you submit something the next time, just make sure it really hits a high bar for quality.

After your content is submitted and approved, do please share the link on various social media! 

If you are new to the site, your submission will go to our manual spam filter for approval, which may take 1-24 hours in most cases. After it's approved, please share the link on social media. If it does well, your content will naturally show up on the homepage under Trending. 

If you submit enough quality submissions, eventually your submissions will be automatically approved. 


Finally, we just wanted to thank you for contributing! Our learning library wouldn't be what it is today without all of the many great submissions we've gotten from our members.