Zurich, Switzerland - Events Local News Contact
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The London Anarchist Group Squatting Mansions to Fight Homelessness
London squatting activists ANAL (Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians) are squatting empty multi-million pound buildings and opening them up to the homeless.
Where the Term "Redneck" Came From
If you don't know this story, you'll never look at the word the same again.  This is just a window into the sometimes shocking, subversive and untold history of the United...
Redneck Revolt Presents: A Message to the Patriot Movement
Over the past few weeks, Redneck Revolt has been communicating with a former member of a III% Patriot Militia based out of Ohio. Peter made contact with our organization after...
Thich Nhat Hanh: How We Can Learn to Love Our Enemies
This is a short excerpt from Peacemaking. I often think about this story when I think about the kind of activism I would like to bring into this world. I want to help build a...
"The Myth of Time" - Martin Luther King Jr.
Excerpt from MLK Jr.'s last sermon, "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution". Delivered at The National Cathedral on March 31, 1968 (4 days prior to his...
The Importance of Empathy
With an increasingly polarized and divided world, we need empathy more than ever before. Too often we are talking at each other, unable to listen and jumping to entirely wrong...
Meet the Earthship
Outside of Taos, New Mexico, you'll find a community of people living in off-grid homes made of garbage. The homes are called Earthships and were invented by Michael Reynolds...
The Charter For Compassion
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated...
John Oliver Has A Genius Plan To Force Trump To Learn Some Actual Facts
Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president's media diet...
Redneck Revolt's Response to the Alt-Right
Last week, a video statement made by self-proclaimed members of the "Alt-Right" was shared by Milo Yiannopoulos and has since spread across the Internet. Their statement was...
Dr. MLK Jr. Legacy Symposium: "Moving Toward Collective Liberation"
Honoring the life, legacy and enduring dream of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This interactive panel will explore the continued struggle for collective liberation and...
The Essence of Gaia Theory
Dr. Stephan Harding explains Gaia Theory and its Impact on his Life.
Want to Make Films for Action? Here are Some Handy Video Guides to Get You Started
Videos are a fantastic tool for activism and advocacy. Here are a few video guides to creating films of your own. Produced by Witness, you can find many more helpful videos and...
Why Be Kind?
Kids give an important reminder to be kind to others, regardless of our differences, and inspire hope for the future. "In the wake of the US election, filmmaker Jessie Auritt...
6 Habits of Highly Empathic People
Are you a Highly Empathic Person? Discover the traits of those who are, and learn how we can use empathy to support both others and ourselves. Learn more here.
The Circle of Human Concern
In a new animated video, Haas Institute Director john a. powell asks, "Who belongs in the circle of human concern?" Through the framework of belonging, the video explains how...
Strategies of Hope: How Americans Can Fight Hate Under Trump
Rev. William Barber offers some words of hope.
The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication is a tool that we can use to resolve conflicts at both the individual and collective levels. By focusing on identifying the needs of individuals and...
Life Goes On: A Positive and Uplifting Response to Dark Times
Recent world events have a lot of people feeling fearful and angry. But there is much more good than bad in this world, and I choose to remain hopeful. This video explains why.
What Is a Gift Economy? - Alex Gendler
What if, this holiday season, instead of saying "thank you" to your aunt for her gift of a knitted sweater, the polite response expected from you was to show up at her house in...
Edward Snowden Interview With Actvism - Part I - History of Intelligence Agencies
Edward Snowden Interview With actvism Munich- Part I - History of Intelligence Agencies On January 15th acTVism Munich organized its largest event yet that took place under...
Why Are We so Attached to Our Things?
After witnessing the "violent rage" shown by babies whenever deprived of an item they considered their own, Jean Piaget - a founding father of child psychology - observed...
The Feynman Technique - 3 Steps to Learning Something New
Richard Feynman was a physicist who received a nobel prize for his work in quantum electrodynamics. He was notorious for asking his mathematicians to explain concepts in simple...
A Deep Ecology Meditation to Connect You With Nature
Stunning imagery combined with words (starting at 1:11) that guide you deep into nature; urging you to imagine you are river, following the water through the land, you are the...
How You Change People
This is exactly what we all need right now. Here is a great secret of life that you can use to change the hearts and minds of everyone in your world. Speech by Garret John LoPorto
Bernie Sanders Transforms Trump Supporters Into Liberals
Bernie Sanders spoke to Trump supporters, and the results were surprising. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. 
Unravel - The Incredible Cross-Cultural Story of Clothes Recycling
When people in the West throw their clothes away, their cast-offs often go on a journey east, across the oceans, to India’s industrial interior. From the Kutch District of...
Could You Befriend An Enemy?
This is the incredible story of Daryl Davis. 
Sky Roosevelt-Morris: The Secret of Indigenous Resiliency
Activist Sky Roosevelt-Morris is of the Shawnee and White Mountain Apache Nations. She is a member of the Leadership Council of the American Indian Movement of Colorado. In...
Breaking Down Bail: Debunking Common Bail Myths
Did you know over 1/2 a million Americans are being held in jail with no conviction? Not enough people know this – or that it’s all because of our money bail system. That’s why...
The Fight for Clean Water (#NoDAPL)
Clean water or Corporate profits? What’s more important? #NoDAPL Energy Transfer Partners: (214) 981-0700 U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: (202) 761-0010; (202)...
People Around the World Raise the Morning Star Flag for West Papua
December 1st marks West Papua’s original independence day, when the Morning Star flag was first raised in 1961 before the country was invaded by Indonesia. The flag is...
"The More You Give, the Less You Take, the Bigger Your Value"
Meet Robi, environmental activist and lead singer of the Bali based rock band, Navicula. The beauty of Bali & Indonesia is under threat from environmental issues such as...
The Truth About the Alt-Right
Our comprehensive investigation into the Alt-Right movement, including its origins, its relation to the Trump campaign and broader implications for the future. Read more: What...
Trump Is a Symptom of a Sickness That Is Raging All Across The World
This is why we are here. And this is what we need to remember. 
Where Does Compassion Really Come From?
Can compassion be learned? The answer is yes! Sometimes, all it takes is truly paying attention to the people around us. Visit happify.com for guided meditations and fun...
How Mindfulness Empowers Us
Many traditions speak of the opposing forces within us, vying for our attention. Native American stories speak of two wolves, the angry wolf and the loving wolf, who both live...
The Psychology of Narcissism, Explained in This 5 Minute Animated Film
Narcissism isn't just a personality type that shows up in advice columns; it's actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists. But what causes it? And can...
Noam Chomsky on the New Trump Era
"The most predictable aspect of Trump is unpredictability. I think it's dangerous, very dangerous," says Noam Chomsky.
An Invitation for Wildness
In the small town of Riverton at the bottom of New Zealand's South Island is Robert and Robyn Guyton's amazing 23-year-old food forest. The two-acre property has been...
Democracy Now Standing Rock Special
Part 1 - Unlicensed #DAPL Guards Attacked Water Protectors with Dogs & Pepper Spray Many across the United States are celebrating this Thanksgiving holiday. But many for...
Native American Girls Describe the Real History Behind Thanksgiving
6 Native American girls school us on the REAL history of Thanksgiving.
#NODAPL: Battle at the End of the World
Watching the footage of the police attack against water protectors from last Sunday, conjured images of the apocalypse. Yet, despite this brutal assault, the people at Standing...
Jonathan Haidt: the Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he...
Brave New Digital World
Aldous Huxley's dystopian vision of a Fascist society controlled by state-sanctioned addiction is unfolding right before our eyes - - but not how we might imagine. In the Brave...
Chilling Clip From Adam Curtis Doc Should Make Everyone Rethink Their Online Outrage
This is a clip from Hypernormalisation (at the 2 hr 29 mark). Watch the full documentary here. 
Meet Your New Overlord
In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, many peeps are freaking the fuck out. Well, step back, take a break and watch our analysis. IF YOU FIND THESE REPORTS USEFUL...
Bernie Sanders' Surprise Speech Outside the White House on Rejecting Dakota Pipeline & Trump
We feature a surprise address by Senator Bernie Sanders outside the White House on Tuesday during a global day of action against the Dakota Access pipeline that included...
Bernie Sanders: Now More Than Ever, It's Our Revolution
The Senator from Vermont remains optimistic about the country's future, and urges citizens to become more deeply involved in the political process.
NATURE Vs. BAYER - Animals Invade Corporate HQ
More than a hundred animals invaded the office of Bayer in Brussels to protest its intensive lobbying for TTIP and denounce their corporate power consolidation in...