Take Action
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198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal. Far too often people struggling for democratic rights and justice are not...
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Cannon Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon...
7 Things You Should Do After Watching 'How to Let Go of the World'
My new film How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change debuted on HBO June 27th. How to Let Go of the World is unlike any other documentary you’ve...
DIY Economics of Happiness Workshop
The Economics of Happiness Workshop and Toolkit is a do-it-yourself tool for activists and others that want to kick-start effective global-to-local action in their area or...
How Not to ''Bern Out'': Ten Steps Toward a Future We Can Believe In
In the last six months, a relatively low-profile senator from a low-profile state has become a national and even global political phenomenon. At a recent speech in the South...
The Comprehensive Activist Guide to Dismantling Neoliberalism
“The creation of today’s market society was not the result of a sequence of spontaneous events but rather of state interference and violence.” – Naomi Klein in The Shock...
Orangutans - Victims of "Sustainable" Palm Oil
In Borneo, several starving orangutans have been rescued after their forest homes were clear-cut for a palm oil plantation. The rainforest was bulldozed by BGA, a member of the...
50 Non Profits I Support
There are over 1.5 million non profits registered in the USA.  That is awesome!  Well sort of awesome actually.   It seems to me that if we have that many non profits we...
Mayday 2016 Call to Action: Kids Out Of Cages Occupation of For Profit Juvenile Prisons
Why are we against prison? Because what goes on behind those walls does anything but rehabilitate people. In solidarity with victims of police brutality, we fight a judicial...
Tell the United Nations: Plantations Are Not Forests
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But...
A Real Solution to Environmental Sustainability
Only a sweeping Constitutional amendment can save us from a global environmental disaster beyond our imagination.
Filmmakers Behind "The Corporation" Launch Campaign to Donate Film to 1,000 Schools
Get up off the couch! The filmmakers of "The Corporation" are raising money to launch a shorter, downloadable and affordable version of the film with a license for unlimited...
How to Shrink the Economy without Crashing It: A Ten-Point Plan
The human economy is currently too big to be sustainable. We know this because Global Footprint Network, which methodically tracks the relevant data, informs us...
How to Fire Your Boss: A Worker's Guide to Direct action
The indignity of working-for-a-living is well-known to anyone who ever has. Democracy, the great principle on which our society is supposedly founded, is thrown out the window...
Expecto Patronum: Lessons from Harry Potter for Social Justice Organizing
Have you daydreamed about being a member of an intergenerational social justice organization like the Order of Phoenix? Do you want Dumbledore to be your mentor? Have...
World VS Bank: Take Action To Break Wall Street Exploitation Of Global Community
Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights.The World Bank is driving this destructive trend with...
Ten Ways We Can Build a Better Economic System
For the numerous readers who asked: "But what can we do?" after reading my "10 reasons to smash capitalism," here are ten ways we can build a better economic system: 10. We...
60 Positive Things You Can Do in 60 Seconds
It doesn't take much to create a brighter day. In fact, it takes only sixty seconds! Change is the rule of life; all flows, grows, and eventually withers away to recycle and...
23 Food Sharing Projects That Are Disrupting Hunger
Food is one of our most basic needs. And yet, for over 800 million people, food insecurity remains a daily issue. While top-down programs that address hunger certainly exist...
We Can Negotiate Peace In Gaza: Here's How
When our brothers and sisters are killing each other, it is not time for us to take sides, but to take steps, with compassion and clarity, to end the carnage. We must move...
Five Ways of Being That Can Change the World
When you know where to look, you begin to see an unprecedented phenomenon now happening in this world of ours. Be they teachers in favelas, forest defenders, urban farmers...
6 Anti-NSA Technological Innovations that May Just Change the World
Rather than grovel and beg for the U.S. government to respect our privacy, these innovators have taken matters into their own hands, and their work may change the playing...
Get Off the Bench and On to the Playing Field: A Guide to Professional Activism
For an increasing number of young Americans, politics is seen as both a frustration and fascination. From the more simplistic, partisan electoral noise that crops up ever two...
15 Ways To Create A Summer Of Sharing
With Summer Solstice right around the corner for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the peak time to be outside, among friends, enjoying all that the season has to...
How To Convert a Business into a Worker-owned Cooperative
Cooperatives represent a growing segment of the economy with an estimated 30,000 enterprises and 100 million members in the U.S. alone. A great way to bring democracy into the...
A Gentlemen's Guide To Rape Culture
If you are a man, you are part of rape culture. I know … that sounds rough. You’re not a rapist. But you may (inadvertently) perpetuate the attitudes and behaviors commonly...
March Against Corruption November 1, 2014 Everywhere
Money in politics is the root of all political evil. Unite with us for a week of direct action beginning Saturday November 1, 2014 -- through and including election day in the...
Want Money Out Of Politics? Put Some Money Into Politics With Lawrence Lessig's Super PAC
 The Harvard professor has already raised $1 million from thousands of smaller donors who he's asking to spend big money to make sure that no one can spend big money again--and...
Take Back Your Privacy and Block Mass Government Spying: Here's How
It's finally time to Reset the Net! - Here's how.
5 Ways To Take Charge of Your Health ~ Naturally
Looking to take charge of your health? Wondering where to begin? There is so much information out there about what foods to eat or not to eat, about what and how to exercise...
10 Ways To Love Where You Live
Community is not just for extroverts. For thousands of years, our ancestors lived in barrios, hamlets, neighborhoods, and villages. Yet in the time since our parents and...
Contact Your Elected Officials
Films for Action has many videos and articles covering a range of subjects.  But once you've educated yourself, how do you make a difference?  One way is to contact members of...
Guide to Building Thriving, Resilient Communities
A Collection of Resources for You & Your Neighbors to Create a Saner, Healthier Future Together     Introduction This collection of books, online resources, trainings and...
End the 1 Percent’s Free Ride: Taxing Land Would Solve America’s Biggest Problems
Want a real overhaul of the tax code? Here's an elegant way to reduce inequality and mitigate poverty -- in one tax Appealing to the overwhelming majority of Americans who...
We Need an International Minimum Wage
The deadly collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh has sparked calls for better worker treatment. The revelation that Apple manages to avoid almost all taxes has drawn...
Five Left-Libertarian Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For
A note of clarification: The "left" in left libertarian in the title exists to distinguish the solutions this article presents from the right-learning associations most people...
10 Ways To Make Positive Change In The World
How can I make a positive difference in the world? Where do I start? Which of the overwhelming number of urgent global issues should I focus my attention on first? These are...
Liquid Democracy: The App That Turns Everyone into a Politician
Liquid Democracy is one of the boldest contemporary innovations in democratic decision-making. The idea uses web technology that allows users to interact in new ways. Its...
How to Create Abundant Cities
Is it enough for our lives, our economy, our cities to become “sustainable”? If being sustainable means no more than being able to maintain the status quo of strife and never...
How to Avoid Factory Farmed Foods
There are plenty of reasons to boycott factory farms, including your health, animal welfare and the environment. It can be challenging to avoid foods produced from animals...
Upskilling for Post Growth Futures, Together
When I was seven, I was given an Apple Macintosh in the hope that Mavis Beacon would teach me how to touch type. It was an unreasonable expectation, for I was actually more...
End Poverty and Create Wealth with Public Banks
How would you like to increase your spending power by 10 times (or more), relieve student debt by more than 90 percent, increase Social Security benefits, lower taxes, increase...
Good News/Bad News: A Manifesto for Independent Media
We live in extraordinary times. All around us the old world is crumbling, while the new one struggles to be born. Crises and catastrophes are rocking our planet like never...
Five Ways the U.S. Can Have an Icelandic Revolution
“We have to nationalize the banks. We have to get rid of the government. We need to have access to the internet seen as a human right. We need to have a new Constitution," said...
To Reduce the Climate Change Impact of Your House, Follow This Checklist
Because climate change is caused by the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted when fossil fuels like coal and oil are burned, saving energy is an important way to slow and even stop the...
Emergency Day of Action Called – Solidarity With Fracking Resisters
In Canada the HWY 11 Land Defenders are are fighting against fracking on land in Mi'kmaq Territory. An encampment successfully blockaded SWN seismic trucks and the police...
Join our cause to End Ecocide
One million voices for the law of ecocide  
Every hand helps!!! Vote to end Ecocide
This is an action aimed to reach 1 million votes of EU citizens for a new law proposal to end the mass destruction of our planet. This is called Ecocide. Please join the...
What Then Can I Do? Ten Ways to Democratize the Economy
The richest 400 Americans now own more wealth than the bottom 180 million taken together. The political system is in deadlock. Social and economic pain continue to grow...
Repeal & Nullify Cannabis Prohibition
It's time we end cannabis/hemp/marijuana prohibition ONCE and FOR ALL. Its time we repeal & nullify cannabis prohibition. Please sign the petition and visit our website for...