Volatility bets point to renewed US equity rally

Before Tuesday, the lack of price swings had sent the CBOE Volatility Index to a more than two-year low.
Before Tuesday, the lack of price swings had sent the CBOE Volatility Index to a more than two-year low. AP
by Joseph Ciolli

Professional speculators are making record bets in volatility markets that US stocks will keep rallying.

Hedge funds and other big traders tracked by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission have pushed net short positions on CBOE Volatility Index futures to 115,000 contracts, the most since 2013, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Shorting volatility is effectively a bet equity prices will rise since the VIX and stocks move in opposite directions 80 per cent of the time.

The wagers were mixed Tuesday as the VIX advanced after wiping out a 4.2 per cent drop. The S&P; 500 rose less than 0.1 per cent to 2181.72 at 4pm in New York, after briefly erasing a 0.3 per cent gain. The benchmark gauge for American equity climbed in four of the last five days to push its 2016 advance to 6.7 per cent and its gain from February's low to 19 per cent.

The index was little changed near an all-time high as declines in commodity shares and retailers offset gains in health-care and technology stocks spurred by corporate earnings. The Nasdaq Composite Index increased 0.2 per cent to reach a record for the second time in three sessions.

Even with the advance, moves in stocks over the last month have been muted. The S&P; 500 has failed to rise or fall more than 1 per cent in either direction for 22 straight days, the longest such streak since 2014. Before Tuesday, the lack of price swings had sent the CBOE Volatility Index to a more than two-year low as a better-than-expected corporate earnings season winds down and economic data showed signs of improvement.

"Each time volatility starts coming out, you have policy makers coming and crushing it back down," Michael Kelly, New York-based global head of multi-asset strategy at PineBridge Investments, which oversees over $US80 billion, said in an interview. "People are learning, you have protection underneath you."

The drop in volatility has created such a downdraft in the prices of VIX-linked exchange-traded products that two securities carried out a reverse split Tuesday to increase their per-share value. The iPath S&P; 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN and the iPath S&P; 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN both enacted 1-for-4 splits after shares tumbled 54 per cent and 14 per cent this year, respectively.

In the past 30 days, four VIX-related ETPs have declared reverse splits, the most in history, according to data compiled by Sundial Capital Research Inc.

"VIX positioning went from incredibly bullish back in February, when the world was coming to an end, to shorts at all time lows," Michael Purves, chief global strategist at Weeden & Co LP in Greenwich, Connecticut, said by phone. "It's crazy."

While Purves largely attributes the VIX's current suppressed level to the Federal Reserve's willingness to reassure the market in times of turbulence, he also cites improving economic data. Citigroup's US Economic Surprise Index late last month hit its highest level since September 2014.

A report today showed productivity of American workers unexpectedly declined for a third quarter, consistent with lacklustre efficiency that's characterised the economic expansion. July payrolls data that beat estimates on Friday bolstered confidence in the US economy, calming concerns following disappointing readings on growth in the first half of this year.

Stocks have also benefited from better-than-forecast earnings this season, particularly among technology companies. With almost 90 per cent of S&P; 500 members having posted results, about 77 per cent have beaten profit predictions and 56 per cent have topped sales projections.

Analysts have tempered their estimates for a decline in second-quarter net income to 2.7 per cent, from a 5.8 per cent drop less than a month ago. Forecasts for the current quarter ending in September have turned negative, indicating a sixth straight period of falling profits, the longest since the financial crisis. Sliding earnings are causing valuations to jump, with the benchmark's price-earnings ratio last month climbing above 20 for the first time since 2009.
