Donald Trump
‘If there’s one thing you can count on in this crazy political time, it’s Republican men saying something stupid and telling about women.’ Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP

Resignations, Russians and pressers, oh my.

We’re barely a month in, yet somehow every day feels like four years. If the president of the United States isn’t having a complete meltdown during a press conference, then his nomination for labor secretary is withdrawing his name because of an old domestic violence accusation. And there’s the whole campaign-staff-in-touch-with-Russians thing. That’s all!

A thought, though: as we obsess over the latest tweet or never-ending breaking news, let’s not forget that the new administration is causing tangible harm every day. This week a woman was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement while seeking a protective order against an abusive partner. Consider the chilling effect that will have for undocumented victims of violence – and the incentive it gives them to forgo seeking help.

Glass half full

As we all collapse from Trump-fatigue, thank goodness for activists like Mariame Kaba and Jacqui Shine, who recently updated and reprinted a feminist consciousness-raising pamphlet from the 70s. I’ve already ordered five copies to give to family and friends – you should do the same.

What I’m RTing

SPLC (@splcenter)

Post-Election Bias Incidents Up To 1,372; New Collaboration with ProPublica

February 10, 2017
Mazel Tov Cocktail (@AdamSerwer)

The party that did 7 congressional investigations into Benghazi thinks its time to move on from this Russia thing

February 14, 2017
Reductress (@Reductress)

Trigger Warnings Are For Cowards, Says Man Who Still Hasn’t Gotten Over All-Female Remake of ‘Ghostbusters’:

February 14, 2017
CenterforReproRights (@ReproRights)

34.2% of U.S. abortion providers reported "severe violence or threats of violence" in the first half of 2016

February 13, 2017

Who I’m reading

For a mom to a once- 2lb preemie, whose medical bills would have bankrupted my family had we had a lifetime limit on our health insurance, Sarah Kliff’s piece on the importance of the Obamacare ban on limits hits close to home. The inaugural piece in the Guardian’s Outside in America series on homelessness, about how our country counts its homeless population. And, in a heartbreaking but must-read piece, Zoe Carpenter on the mortality rate for black infants in America.

What I’m writing

If there’s one thing you can count on in this crazy political time, it’s Republican men saying something stupid and telling about women. This week I wrote about one of those men, Oklahoma’s Justin Humphrey, who defended an anti-choice bill by saying that women are just “hosts” anyway.

How outraged I am

On a scale of 1 to 10, I am ready to take a nap.

How I’m making it through this week

Ordering in Mexican food, reading Joan Didion, and celebrating some pure Valentine’s Day joy.

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