Arizona #March4Trump March 4th, 2017
Arizona #March4Trump March 4th, 2017

Arizona #March4Trump March 4th, 2017

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Arizona State Capitol

1700 West Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007

United States

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Arizona, it is time to Unite and March 4 President Trump and America!

We are joining a National March which has several states confirmed and others joining every day.
Please join the Main Event page at:

This march is to show Unity and Support for President Trump! We need to make a huge showing to let the people know We Spoke on Nov 8 and We are Proud of our President.

As always, our March will be full of AMERICAN PRIDE and FAMILY FRIENDLY! Bring your FLAGS, your Pro-Trump signs, and your Patriotism!

Please invite friends and family and share in your local groups and pages so we can get the word out and let our Voice Be Heard!

Any suggestions? Please post them! Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone there.

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Arizona State Capitol

1700 West Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007

United States

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