WA News

'F--k you, Liberals. Pour your own drink': WA workers trash penalty rates cut

Perth workers have reacted to the Fair Work Commission's controversial decision to slash penalty rates for some hospitality, retail, pharmacy and fast-food employees.

Sunday pay rates for full-time and part-time hospitality and fast food workers will be cut from 175 per cent to 150 per cent, while retail and pharmacy full-time, part-time and casual employee rates will be reduced from 200 per cent to 175 per cent.

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Penalty rate cut: how did it happen?

Workplace reporter Nick Toscano contextualises the Fair Work Commission's announcement on Thursday that Sunday penalty rates paid in retail, fast food, hospitality and pharmacy industries will be reduced from the existing levels.

The decision has been met with anger from Australian workers and UnionsWA secretary Meredith Hammat said the cuts were 'incredibly harsh'.

"This is a pay cut that working people in retail and hospitality can't afford and don't deserve. 

"There will be many working people and their families who will be feeling shocked and angry about today's decision and feeling worried about how they will pay the bills," she said.,

"Like other Australians, West Australians care about weekends and WA's workplace relations laws should also be reformed to protect weekend rates. 


"Barnett has repeated over and over his wish to cut the weekend pay of working West Australians. This decision by the Commission will only encourage Barnett to do so."

The changes will be implemented on July 1.

Mary is a Perth bar worker, and works 35 hours a week- with 10 hours on a Saturday and 10 hours on a Sunday.

She said the decision was especially frustrating for Perth students.

"I'm trying to do the right thing by working while I'm studying. I can't work nine-to-five weekdays as I need to study in order to improve my circumstances," she said.

"I don't claim benefits- I am not relying on the government- a government which is now choosing to punish me, students and the poorest of the poor.  My only choice is to work late nights and weekends.

"By all means, scrap penalty rates. But you better be the ones who start tipping me when you've changed your mind about what drink you want for the third time, or when I've returned your meal to the chef because you didn't read the menu properly or be polite when I've refused to serve you because you've thrown up outside- which I'll also be cleaning later.

"F--k you, Liberal Government. Pour your own drink."

Perth retail and hospitality worker Kat also works two jobs in order to support herself through a university degree.

"If I lose penalty rates, I might even consider quitting. The only reason I give up all the fun [weekend] events is because the pay is good," she said.

United Voice WA branch assistant secretary Pat O'Donnell said the cuts would have a damaging effect on the WA Liberals at the state election.

"On March 11, WA workers have an opportunity to vote out the people who sold them out and to vote for a government that supports penalty rates... the only growth we'll see as a result of this cut to wages will be in inequality."

However, Australian Retailers Association (ARA) executive director Russell Zimmerman said the decision was an 'incredible outcome' for small businesses, and would allow some retailers to open their doors on public holidays and Sundays for the first time.

"This reduction in Sunday penalty rates will provide more employment opportunities for young workers seeking both additional hours and new employment over the weekend," Mr Zimmerman said.

Australian Hotels Association WA chief executive officer Bradley Woods said while there are positives from the decision, it does not go far enough.

"The decision does not go far enough to deliver changes that will see significant employment growth opportunities," he said.

"Whilst we did not get what we asked for, it is a step in the right direction. Along with opening for additional hours to service our hospitality economy, even more jobs could be created.

"Our case challenged the status quo which saw cost-prohibitive penalty rates on weekends and public holidays.

"The changes will encourage our members to offer more shifts for workers and longer hours for customers."