Teacher Kurt Majoor denied bail after allegedly having sex with student

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An Illawarra high school teacher, accused of having sex with one of his female students, has been refused bail.

Prosecutors allege Corrimal High physical education teacher Kurt John Majoor "groomed" the teenage girl by sending her sexually explicit messages and images of his penis via Facebook and Snapchat in a series of exchanges that took place between February 11 and 13.

They agreed to meet before school on February 13 in an area known as the "Bellambi paddocks".

The girl later told police they walked a short distance to sand dunes near Corrimal Beach where they allegedly had sex.

It is alleged Mr Majoor, 25, told the girl, "I want this to be really quick, we need to get to school" before asking her not to tell anyone what had occurred.

"Keep this quiet, don't tell anyone, just act normal … at school," he allegedly said.


The teen said he then gave her a lift back to the school, dropping her off a couple of streets away.

She disclosed the alleged incident to friends at school that morning.

The matter was reported to police on Tuesday, prompting officers to arrest Mr Majoor at the East Corrimal home he shares with his parents on Wednesday morning.

He was charged with one count of sexual intercourse with a person under care and was refused police bail.

Fronting Wollongong Local Court on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Majoor did not enter a plea to the charge but did seek release on bail, saying he would agree to any conditions imposed by the court.

His lawyer, Darryl Quirk, denied suggestions by police that Mr Majoor presented an unacceptable risk of interfering with witnesses and the alleged victim if granted bail.

"He would agree to a curfew not to go within 500 metres of Corrimal High School and have no contact with witnesses," Mr Quirk said, noting Mr Majoor had no prior criminal record and had co-operated with police when arrested.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Shannon Ryan opposed Mr Majoor's release application, labelling him a danger to the community.

"He's in a unique position of trust [as a teacher] … on these allegations he's completely abused that trust," Sergeant Ryan said.

"He has allegedly subjected her to grooming techniques via social media. There was a degree of planning associated with this … it was by no means opportunistic."

In asking the court to refuse bail, Sergeant Ryan argued the prosecution case was a strong one and Mr Majoor faced a likely jail sentence if convicted.

Magistrate Michael Stoddart echoed prosecution concerns when handing down his decision, saying Mr Majoor posed too much of a risk to the community to be released.

Mr Majoor was supported in court by his partner, brother and parents. His mother gave an audible gasp and broke down in tears when bail was refused.

Mr Majoor has been suspended with pay.

Outside school hours, Mr Majoor was actively involved in the Illawarra community.

According to online profiles, Mr Majoor taught holiday sports programs for primary school students, played for local cricket clubs and volunteered as a lifeguard.

The case was adjourned to April 19 for mention.