Federal Politics

Heath Aston

Heath Aston is a federal political correspondent. Most recently Heath was the state political editor for the Sun-Herald. Before joining the NSW press gallery he worked for newspapers in Sydney and London.

Malcolm Turnbull.

Tax sink hole: Gas multinationals claim $50b in credits

Multinational fossil fuel companies exploiting liquefied natural gas in Australia have built up a further $50 billion in tax credits over the past financial year, further delaying any meaningful royalty payments from the massive export sector.

A flame blazes on top of flare stacks at a plant at the Queensland Curtis Liquefied Natural Gas (QCLNG) project site.

Flat gas royalty would 'end free ride' for LNG multinationals

The federal government could reap an extra $6 billion in tax revenue over the four-year budget horizon if liquefied natural gas projects operating in federal waters are brought under a simple royalty scheme that already applies to competing gas projects in Australia.