

Victoria's multicultural campaign is inherently flawed

The Victorian government's recently launched multicultural campaign, titled "Victorian. And proud of it", designed to make the state "a stronger, safer and more harmonious community", is inherently flawed and counterproductive.

On one hand Premier Daniel Andrews argues "everyone should have the freedom to be themselves" and that we should "celebrate the things that make us different". On the other hand he also argues "there is one law for all" and we should "never tolerate the things that divide us".

The contradiction is that it is impossible to celebrate diversity and difference while at the same time asking all to commit to a common set of beliefs and values.

Some cultural practices are unacceptable. Extreme examples include child brides, female circumcision, treating women as second rate and advocating a theocracy, as does Islam in countries like Iran, where there is no division between religion and the state.

As argued by the ALP federal politician Chris Bowen, when immigration minister, if there is any conflict between imported values and our way of life then "traditional Australian values win out".

While some argue it is impossible to identify Australian values, the reality is that we are a Western liberal democracy and our beliefs and institutions are a unique product of Western civilisation.


While we are a secular society, where there is a division between church and state, it is also true that Christianity, especially the New Testament, has had and continues to have a profound and beneficial effect on our way of life.

While the Premier lauds multiculturalism as the "best system there is" the reality, both here and overseas, is that it is a failed social experiment. One only needs to witness the violence and social upheaval in Britain and Europe to appreciate how unsuccessful it has been.

In 2015 the-then British prime minister David Cameron admitted as much, and argued that all must commit to "those values that underpin tolerance and equal rights". In a 2015 speech Cameron also argued, "Yes, we are a nation that embraces, welcomes and accepts all faiths and none, but we are still a Christian country".

Much earlier, in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted "multiculturalism has failed, utterly failed" and that migrants wishing to live in Germany must integrate.

While it is true that Western civilisation is far from perfect, as argued by Arthur M. Schlesinger jnr: "The crimes committed by the West have produced their own antidotes. They have produced great movements to end slavery, to raise the status of women, to abolish torture, to combat racism" and "to advance personal liberty and human rights".

This explains why thousands of refugees are fleeing from oppressive regimes in the Middle East and Africa, seeking refuge in Europe and Britain. It also explains why so many want to make Australia home.

Proved by the far right's emergence as a potent political force in Britain and Europe, the reality is that adopting multiculturalism is counterproductive.

Those living in Western, liberal democracies like Australia are tired of being told their way of life must be compromised on the mistaken basis that all cultures are equal and that it is wrong to favour one over another.

Dr Kevin Donnelly is a senior research fellow at the Australian Catholic University.