
Josephine Tovey

Josephine Tovey is a New York-based reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Following Donald Trump is literally like flicking through TV stations or sitting on Twitter – a whir of opinions, issues ...

Trump's media bubble is causing chaos

There's a new rule emerging for observers of American politics trying to understand a confusing new outburst or claim from President Donald Trump - somebody check what's happened on Fox News in the last 24 hours.

Noah Pozner, one of the victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

How one gun tragedy has attracted another kind of ugliness

Last week federal prosecutors announced a woman had been indicted for making death threats against a parent whose child was murdered in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school. Her motivation, the US Department of Justice said, was her belief that the massacre never happened, that it was a hoax.

Donald Trump's agenda to clean up politics has merit although he may not be the one to deliver it.

Where the Trump resistance is gathering force

Though Donald Trump has barely left the gilded confines of Trump Tower in Manhattan since he won the US election on November 8, already, the city around him is marshalling its defences.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have made their views on abortion very clear.

Why Donald Trump's victory is sending some women to their doctors

Since Donald Trump's extraordinary election victory last week, I've seen Americans around me reacted in a range of ways - celebration, street protests, crying on public transport. But one reaction that's less visible have been the quiet, concerned calls to health clinics by some women looking to obtain IUDs.

Mobile phones can provide valuable evidence, but substantive changes in attitudes, policies and systems are also needed ...

How mobile phones can be a weapon for change

With what feels like a whole generation stumbling around the streets, phones in hand, trying to "catch 'em all" this week, it would be easy to forget that Pokemon GO and augmented reality games aren't even the most significant cultural shift taking place thanks to mobile phones right now.

Malcolm Turnbull's job may not be on the line here as much as David Cameron's was but the messiness of the proposed ...

Plebiscite could be Turnbull's Brexit

Two international events of the last week highlight just how disappointing Australia's approach to same-sex marriage has been, and could be in future if a re-elected Coalition government goes ahead with plans for a plebiscite.