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all 37 comments

[–]xSERGIOx 19 points20 points  (15 children)

The store applied for a permit as a takeaway store as it was never granted the permit to be a place where customers can walk in and sit and eat/drink due to the issues with parking. It also creates terrible sight lines when turning onto West Coast Highway when people park on the verge. Anyone that has been in there knows it built so people stay and eat/drink inside. This is the owners responsibility and so the City of Stirling are rightfully going after him because he purposely lied to them and has been continuing to do nothing about it for years. Fuck the owner and fuck Liza Harvey, she can't dance and she is blaming the City of Stirling for doing what is right when they were lied to by a shady business owner.

[–]Agent641 2 points3 points  (3 children)

It's not the owner's responsibility to police the illegal parking, it's the councils responsibility. If they are complaining about cars parked illegally, then they aren't doing their job properly.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Its the owners responsibility to ensure they stick within the guidelines or specifics of their permits. If they'd applied for a permit for what the place has turned in to, they'd be denied because of the current issues.

[–]xSERGIOx 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Richo, for once we agree. Today is a good day.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'll go you one better. I've upvoted you twice!

[–]aussiekingaHigh Wycombe 0 points1 point  (10 children)

she is blaming the City of Stirling for doing what is right

No she isn't. She is suggesting there is a better way to go about this. She is suggesting that rather than jump straight to a giant fine and/or litigation to start with discussions and negotiation.

[–]xSERGIOx 12 points13 points  (0 children)

A better way when the only person lying in this whole situation is the idiot business owner? Fuck him. He should have the book thrown at him. As far as I am aware the City of Stirling have given the business owner plenty of warnings (years of warnings) and he has still persisted to cheat the system and claim it is only a takeaway joint. He is a fucking liar / Scumbag.

[–]IAmYoda 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Having worked for the council and knowing how things are enforced, they would never have jumped straight to a fine. They spend forever chasing up people like this who offer excuses and pretend they don't know what's going on and are usually given many many chances to change.

This guy is playing victim but in reality he's been knowingly flaunting the rules and is now crying out like he's hard done by when his cafe shouldn't exist as per his approval.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Surely with the amount of time this has been going on then the Council has been actively involved in seeking a solution?

[–]nahcoob 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You'd sure think so, they've been battling with this business for well over 10 years now. IIRC it was a massive shitfight for them to even be allowed to have any seating initially, you used to see rows of people just lined up sitting on the edge of the shop.

[–]mrtunaNorth of The River 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Why is she even involved at all? What's her interest in this?

[–]aussiekingaHigh Wycombe 1 point2 points  (1 child)

well, it's in her seat. Its a "local issue" for her. Beyond that, I don't know.

[–]mrtunaNorth of The River 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I would have expected her to be impartial at least. She's being very disingenuous saying the local community love him...

[–]princesssamara 3 points4 points  (0 children)

rather than jump straight to a giant fine and/or litigation to start with discussions and negotiation.

I doubt that is actually true that the council is jumping straight in...there has been issues with this cafe for years.

[–]laidlow 7 points8 points  (0 children)

My ratepayer money is being used to prosecute a small business owner who just wants to sell coffee and sandwiches to a community who love him.

Something tells me the people living in the immediate vicinity aren't going to love him so much with people parked illegally all over the place. Had this problem in the last place I lived at and it was a fucking nightmare trying to get into and out of my place because a business was doing the dirty.

[–]aussiekingaHigh Wycombe 7 points8 points  (10 children)

How is that the venue's fault? Shouldn't the customers be fined if they are parking illegally, not the venue?

Also, can someone fine the venue for spelling 'yellow' as "yelo'?

[–]princesssamara 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Its on west coast hwy and has virtually no parking available.

Its like opening a MacDonalds with no car park and saying its not my fault customers are parking illegally.

[–]sodasopp 0 points1 point  (1 child)

There is a parking lot across the road. People are just too lazy to walk.

Granted when the beach is busy it gets full but I never have issues getting a park.

[–]princesssamara 1 point2 points  (0 children)

is not really across the road. if you look on google maps you can even see 3 vehicles parked illegally (blocking the footpath) and creating a hazard for cars turning onto west coast hwy.

[–]metaospelling activist from 6149 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No, but we should be able to fine them for painting a pergola and then naming the venue after the colour. Of all the half-assed...

[–]xheist -4 points-3 points  (5 children)

Also, can someone fine the venue for spelling 'yellow' as "yelo'?

Yeah you seem like a real stickler for proper english, "aussiekinga"

[–]richo3000Northbridge 10 points11 points  (4 children)

Oh, take that /u/aussiekinga, if that even is your real name!!

[–]xheist 4 points5 points  (2 children)


[–]richo3000Northbridge 4 points5 points  (1 child)

(I was going to type...)

I think its more of a case that I didn't pick up on your joke. You'd be surprised how often people would use that sort of line as a real attempt at a putdown.

Apologies for not picking up on it. We good, homie?

[–]xheist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

We cool mang 👊

[–]Aries898 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yelo is a great little spot, if I'm down at the beach that way I will always stop in for a coffee. Much better than the other pretentious places along the coastline. Sad and kinda pathetic to hear that an issue such as parking, especially street parking, can be such an issue for some people. Get over it, you live near the beach. Plenty of other people would be glad to swap with you. If the council really ahve such an issue with it, issue fines to those parking. Yelo actually adds something to that stretch of area.

[–]obzelite2point0Huntingdale -1 points0 points  (7 children)

more free publicity for a politician who can't do the job she is paid to do, but wants to tell others how to do theirs.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 3 points4 points  (6 children)

Seriously man, your hard-on for Liza Harvey is pretty fucken sad. You don't even know why you dislike her!

[–]obzelite2point0Huntingdale 2 points3 points  (5 children)

she is the minister for a service that fails in everything that counts, except producing reports saying what a great job they are doing.

my business has been broken into, my cars have a been broken into, friends houses, cars and boats have been broken into, friends motorbikes have been stolen, and not one result.
i lie, one result. when we caught the guy who cut a hole in our roof and was stupid enough to come back to try to get more gear he had dumped outside. and even then they didn't want to do anything.
he had our fucking stuff in his fucking car and these cops didn't want to arrest him because they were traffic cops and they were forced to attend because the operator my brother spoke to sent the call out as an emergency.
i have friends who are cops and they are fucked off as well, there is zero rewards for catching crooks, they only thing they want to report is rbt's and tickets issued, that's it. so that's all they do, because if they don't they get reamed out for not reaching 'performance indicators'

thats why i dislike her, and i think its a pretty valid reason.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 1 point2 points  (4 children)

I'm not going to doubt your experiences but running everything up the chain so that every time you hear something about her or the police, you start bagging her out for it all...that isn't rational.

I mean while this article has her name in the headline and she gives her opinion, its pretty clearly about a stoush between the cafe owner and the Council.

You once accused her of being corrupt. I asked why, as she hadn't appeared to have been in any hot water. I think you said "well she probably is like the rest of them."

[–]obzelite2point0Huntingdale -1 points0 points  (3 children)

so you have no issue with a police minister telling a local council they should ignore they own bylaws?
what other things get ignored when they suit her.

and why should the way the service is run not stop at her, the health minister gets blamed for fuckup in the hospital system the same as every other minister having to wear the blame for their department's bad performance.

you talk about a hard on, but her irrational zest for speeding being the cause of everything comes back to a family dying illegally drag racing.
if her house ever gets broken into I'm sure crime in WA will almost end.

[–]richo3000Northbridge 2 points3 points  (2 children)

so you have no issue with a police minister telling a local council they should ignore they own bylaws?

I have an issue with anyone putting their two bobs in when they don't know the full story (which seems to be the case). I don't see any relevance of her ministerial role here, even though I disagree with her comments.

[–]obzelite2point0Huntingdale 0 points1 point  (1 child)

so no irony that a person who is responsible for a department whose sole purpose is to uphold laws telling a local authority to ignore its own laws.
I'd like a pass on speeding thanks, 'I'm really sick of the fines'

[–]richo3000Northbridge 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think you're drawing a long bow with that connection. I completely disagree with her assessment but I don't have an issue with her giving an opinion on handling the matter, which is all she has done.

[–]whisky-rum-gin -1 points0 points  (1 child)

But City of Stirling are militant pricks when it comes to parking.

Another particular example is they set up ticket parking out the back of Ikea and it's very easy to just assume it's still Ikea's parking spaces...

[–]richo3000Northbridge 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well case closed then! Yelo is innasent!!!