Two new books! Available now…

After a long and thoughtful break, I have produced two new books in my self-published ‘Dung Beetle’ series. Books 1b ‘We learn at home’ and 1c ‘We go out’ are now available as an artists editions. The books were written by myself and my brother (Ezra Elia), and are illustrated by me in gouache//watercolour. Click on the image below to purchase in my shop.



London/ Bristol/ Dublin book signing…

I will be signing copies of my book at a few lovely places over the next few months:

Tuesday Ocober 6th- 4pm at Blackwells in Holborn. 50-51 High Holborn, London WC16EP

Wednesday October 7th- 6pm at Arnolfini gallery, 16 Narrow Quay, bristol BS14QA

Wednesday November 18th- Dublin Art book fair.

We go to the gallery artists edition at The London Book Fair.

I have few copies left of my own pressing of ‘We go to the gallery.’ You can buy them for £20 on my website shop The last copies will be sold at The Whitechapel London Art Book Fair in London, where many of the original paintings and drawings will go on display.
Two sequel books are scheduled for November (which explains why I have gone quiet for a year.)
book_grandeArt book fair from the 11th-13th September 2015.


Last year I exhibited a video work about a caterpillar who could not pupate, at the IDOL show of female artists in the Kunstlehaus gallery, Vienna. The show is moving to Munich, and opens this July 10th.

