Adler shotgun: Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie says heavy restrictions are irrational

Updated December 10, 2016 17:39:53

Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie has been scathing of the heavy restrictions on the Adler shotgun, saying they are not based on evidence.

"There's no evidence to suggest that this is a rational decision based in evidence, in common sense," she said.

"Look, I think it is incredibly disappointing that today we saw Labor and Liberal premiers turn their back on evidence based policy making."

State and territory leaders have agreed to put the seven shot lever action Adler into the most restrictive gun ownership category.

Under Category D, the Adler will only be available to professional shooters under certain conditions.

However, the premiers and chief ministers will have to pass the changes through their parliaments first.

This may prove difficult for the Queensland Labor minority Government, where Bob Katter's Australian Party is threatening to block the restrictions and the LNP Opposition has not decided how they will vote.

"I'm confident that state national parties will stand by shooters and hunters and evidence-based policy making," Senator McKenzie said.

She has previously crossed the Senate floor over the shotgun.

Criminals don't choose lever action guns: McKenzie

Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm said minor parties would benefit if the changes go through.

"They will create tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of deplorables who aren't going to vote for the major parties in the future," he said.

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation welcomed the restrictions, saying they are "incredibly relieved".

"Look this was a weapon that was capable of shooting eight shots in eight seconds, you could imagine what that damage could do in the wrong hands, in a crowded shopping centre for example," said CEO Lesley Podesta.

But Senator McKenzie said it is not as high a risk as other automatic weapons in Category D.

"If you look at the guns of choice for criminals, gangs, for organised crime, there is not a lever action shotgun among them and that is what makes the decision by the premiers so ridiculous, as they seek to be tough on crime," she said.

Topics: states-and-territories, nationals, minor-parties, australia

First posted December 10, 2016 01:42:27