Penalty rates to be reduced for hospitality, retail workers

image for article: no description availableABC News

Sunday and public holiday penalty rates will be reduced for full-time and part-time workers in the…

Why the penalty rate decision flags the start of a new political fight

image for article: no description availableABC News

With the Fair Work Commission's long-awaited decision on weekend penalty rates handed down, a fierce…

Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour resigns after salary furore

image for article: no description availableABC News

Australia Post director Ahmed Fahour resigns just weeks after his $5.6 million was revealed by a…

Are transhumanists the dawn of a new species?

X ray of microchipped hand (Supplied) Lateline

Who are the transhumanists, biohackers, and grinders, and can they really live forever?

This year's Oscars could be the most political ever

Donald Trump / Meryl Streep (ABC News) ABC Arts

Making a political statement in an acceptance speech is on trend for this year's awards season.

What's going to kill you? Probably not a shark

Shark (AAP - ScreenWest) The Conversation

Sharks are scary, but pose the same risk of death to humans as kangaroos. How should we measure risk?

Radioactive boars in the Czech Republic

Wild boar (Flickr: Artic Wolf) ABC News

A cold winter is forcing wild boars to feed on false truffles that are radioactive as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

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