Trainings and Webinars

Each year, CNC reaches hundreds of activists and advocates through our trainings and webinars. In just one example, in April 2016, we facilitated a workshop for about 150 leaders and members of United Food and Commercial Workers about the link between religious liberty and worker solidarity. The training was concurrently conducted in three languages—Spanish, English, and Somali—and explored the ways union leaders can help their workplaces tackle Islamophobia.

We also host a series of webinars to help advocates learn more about organized anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim activists and how to talk about them. This summer, we are looking forward to hosting more webinars and partnering with the Bill of Rights Defense Committee to teach advocates here in Chicago how to train others about Islamophobia. Also, if you're attending Netroots Nation or Roots and Remedies this year, find us at one of our sessions on refugee rights, messaging, and strategy.

Upcoming Dates

  • Saturday, September 24, 2016
    Boston, Massachusetts

    This workshop is designed for organizers, activists, advocates, and educators who want to build on existing anti-oppression work to directly take on anti-Muslim bigotry and discrimination. Muslims, and those perceived to be Muslim, face a range of issues – including bullying, hate violence, racial profiling, criminalization and surveillance – which stem from Islamophobia. This workshop will address the interpersonal, institutional and structural implications of anti-Muslim discrimination and discuss what can be done about it.

  • Recent Sessions
  • Webinar: Countering Organized Nativism

    Foundation partners (closed)
    August 9, 2016

    How the Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Muslim Movements Are Working to Turn Back the Clock on Racial Justice—And What We Can Do

    Over the past year, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment has burst onto the national stage in a deeply troubling way. Behind this renewed wave of nativism are organized movements that have long been working to promote hostility toward immigrants, Muslims, and refugees and influence policy on the local, state, and national levels. This session will provide an opportunity to learn about the organized anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movements in the U.S., including their leaders, goals, strategies, and capabilities, along with the intellectual roots of their movements. Participants will also learn about successful work to push back against nativist movements and strategies they can use in their own communities to stop hate.

    Kalia Abiade, Advocacy Director, Center for New Community
    Terri A. Johnson, Executive Director, Center for New Community

  • in partnership with the Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foundation
    Thursday, July 21, 2016
    Register through link above

  • Saturday, July 23, 2016 | 4:30-6:00 p.m.
    One-on-one clinic to review and plan grassroots research strategies, focusing on oppositional research
    Register through Roots and Remedies link above

  • Netroots Nation | St. Louis, Missouri
    Thursday, July 14, 2016
    (registration required through Netroots Nation)

  • Netroots Nation | St. Louis, Missouri
    Friday, July 15
    St. Louis, Missouri
    (registration required through Netroots Nation)