We are stronger than their hate

In early September 2016, members of the most aggressive anti-Muslim group in the United States gathered in Washington, D.C., to advance an agenda that targets Muslims and harms us all. Ten members of Congress endorsed ACT for America’s bigotry this year by speaking at their conference.

We’re fighting back. Together, we stepped up to say, “Enough!”

In just two weeks, we boosted our organizing efforts to challenge the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and anti-refugee attacks at ACT’s conference and that have dominated the national conversation.

  • We sent more than 11,000 emails to Congress asking them to boycott ACT’s conference and denounce their anti-Muslim agenda with our partners at MPower Change.
  • #WhosHidingHate: We reached nearly 2 million unique users on social media to demand our elected leaders reject ACT’s invitation and show ACT for what it is: an organization peddling anti-Muslim hate and lobbying our legislators to lead with fear.
  • We published a series of articles on Imagine2050 to expose ACT for America’s real agenda and give a preview of the featured speakers.
  • With our partners at the Washington Peace Center, we asked ACT for America members directly if they would sign a pledge condemning anti-Muslim hate. No surprise: Not one member agreed to sign. But we did get some enlightening video footage in the process. See for yourself.

Because of our combined efforts, fewer Members of Congress spoke at ACT for America’s conference this year than in 2015. And at least six Members of Congress cancelled individual meetings with ACT for America members.

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  • Rewire | September 8, 2016
    “ACT for America’s presence on Capitol Hill demonstrates the persistence of anti-Muslim hate and the willingness of some lawmakers to align with it,” Lindsay Schubiner, senior program manager at the Center for New Community, said in a statement.

  • The Hill | September 15, 2016
    "Elected officials must stop giving ACT for America a platform to promote hatred and bigotry that marginalizes – and even endangers – Muslims and people perceived to be Muslim. It’s irresponsible to participate in the mainstreaming of such extremism, especially when the atmosphere in this country is primed for anti-Muslim violence." - Kalia Abiade, Center for New Community and Heidi Beirich, Southern Poverty Law Center