
Golden Princess cruise ship passengers warned of rare disease risk

Passengers on board a cruise ship that docked in Port Melbourne have been told to look for signs of a rare form of hepatitis with symptoms that include vomiting, chills and abdominal pain.

Passengers on two Golden Princess cruises have been warned to look for signs of hepatitis E after a crew member was diagnosed with the disease. Only passengers on the ship between between February 8 and 15 are at any risk of infection.

Operator Princess Cruises notified the Department of Health and Human Services and has sent letters to passengers who might be affected.

Victoria's Chief Health Officer Professor Charles Guest said passengers were at very low risk and were unlikely to become unwell. He said there was no risk to the Victorian community.

Symptoms can include abdominal pain, loss of appetite and weight loss, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, diarrhoea, yellow skin and eyes, dark urine and pale faeces.

It can take 15 to 60 days for symptoms to develop after infection with the average incubation period of around 40 days.


Professor Guest said if passengers were afflicted they would experience symptoms from late February to mid April.

Hepatitis Australia, a national information and help organisation, says hepatitis E is found in faeces and is spread via the faecal-oral route, similar to hepatitis A.

Drinking or eating contaminated water or food could result in infection, it says. Person-to-person transmission of hepatitis E is uncommon. The website quotes a World Health Organisation study which said there was no evidence that hepatitis E is spread sexually or through blood or blood product transfusion.

Hepatitis E is described as a "mild illness from which most people get better without treatment". It is not a chronic form of hepatitis.

Hepatitis Australia says the rare disease as very uncommon in Australia, but found in Central and South-East Asia, North and West Africa and Mexico. 

It says over the last six years, there have been about 10 to 30 cases of hepatitis E diagnosed and reported to the government each year.

The Golden Princess frequently docks at Station Pier and was docked there on February 13, 18 and 19, but only passengers on board between February 8 and 15 were at any risk. 

"This risk of transmission between the crew member and passengers is very low," Professor Guest said.

"The cruise line has strict public health and hygiene policies to prevent the risk of spread of infections on board the ship, and the hepatitis E infection is rarely spread person-to-person," he said.

Most people, he said, would get better without treatment and children may have the infection with no symptoms.

"It can be more serious for those with existing liver disease, those who have weakened immune systems, and pregnant women, especially in the third trimester," he said

Anyone who may have concerns or symptoms should see their GP.