Josh Gordon | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Josh Gordon is a senior reporter for The Age.

Pallas vows no new debt despite $1.5b health blowout, but stays coy on fresh taxes

Pallas vows no new debt despite $1.5b health blowout, but stays coy on fresh taxes

Treasurer Tim Pallas warns a failure to shore up the state’s financial position, including bringing down debt, could have serious consequences for its credit rating.

  • by Josh Gordon


Melbourne will have to keep sprawling to house migrants

Melbourne will have to keep sprawling to house migrants

The Allan government wants Melbourne to grow upwards and not outwards with more homes in existing suburbs, but a new report says avoiding urban sprawl is impossible.

  • by Josh Gordon and Broede Carmody
Former Victorian teal candidates threaten High Court challenge over donation laws

Former Victorian teal candidates threaten High Court challenge over donation laws

The Allan government is facing a challenge over claims that Victoria’s political donation laws are a rort giving the major parties an unfair advantage.

  • by Josh Gordon
Spawned from inner-city muck, this suburb full of lawyers is getting younger

Spawned from inner-city muck, this suburb full of lawyers is getting younger

On Gold Street in Clifton Hill there is a stark reminder of the suburb’s past and future. On one side is a primary school – on the other side, an aged care home.

  • by Angus Delaney and Josh Gordon
Baby drought grips Brisbane as a ‘great contraceptive’ emerges

Baby drought grips Brisbane as a ‘great contraceptive’ emerges

Birth rates are plunging across inner and middle suburbs as cost-of-living pressures drive families to the city’s fringe.

  • by Marissa Calligeros, Josh Gordon and Sean Parnell
Melbourne in the grip of baby drought as rent becomes ‘a great contraceptive’

Melbourne in the grip of baby drought as rent becomes ‘a great contraceptive’

A plunge in birth rates in parts of Melbourne is being blamed on a lack of affordable housing and other cost-of-living pressures.

  • by Josh Gordon
One in 20 Melbourne homes empty during housing crisis
City life

One in 20 Melbourne homes empty during housing crisis

Almost 100,000 homes in Melbourne are either unoccupied or barely occupied. They could fix the public housing waiting list twice over.

  • by Josh Gordon and Rachael Dexter
Essential service workers pushed to the fringes by housing crunch

Essential service workers pushed to the fringes by housing crunch

Aged care workers, primary teachers, nurses, paramedics and police are being forced to Melbourne’s fringes by high housing costs, prompting warnings about worker shortages.

  • by Josh Gordon and Craig Butt
‘A diabolical mess’: How did we get into this housing crisis, and how do we get out?

‘A diabolical mess’: How did we get into this housing crisis, and how do we get out?

Hard-won deposits, soaring rents, crippling mortgages, capital gains, negative gearing … What’s to blame, and how do other countries do housing?

  • by Angus Holland and Josh Gordon
The perfect storm driving almost a million of us to take on multiple jobs

The perfect storm driving almost a million of us to take on multiple jobs

The combination of high inflation, high interest rates and plentiful jobs is leading many people to work a second job.

  • by Josh Gordon and Jewel Topsfield
Councils alarmed by government orders that could double housing. See the plans for your area
City life

Councils alarmed by government orders that could double housing. See the plans for your area

Councils across Melbourne warn of fundamental changes to their suburbs after the state government ordered them to find space for millions of new homes.

  • by Cara Waters and Josh Gordon