Meet Graham Tuckwell, the multimillionaire with more than half his net worth in gold

Graham and Louise Tuckwell made news  for handing over $100 million to the ANU to augment the $50 million scholarship ...
Graham and Louise Tuckwell made news for handing over $100 million to the ANU to augment the $50 million scholarship program they set up three years ago. Graham Tidy
by Sue Hoban

Exchange-traded funds pioneer Graham Tuckwell has to stop and think when the conversation about his own portfolio turns to gold. “I’m not sure there would be anybody else in the world with a bigger exposure to gold as a percentage of their assets,” he muses.

Tuckwell, who is estimated to be worth $559 million on the BRW 2016 Rich List, made his fortune off the back of the precious metal after masterminding and setting up the world’s first exchange-traded fund tracking the gold price. That was 13 years ago, and even though his London-based ETF Securities Group has expanded to provide a range of exchange-traded products, gold still accounts for $12 billion of its $21 billion asset base.

Tuckwell, who retains 57 per cent of the private company, also holds 5 per cent of his overall wealth in its london-listed gold security GBS. In light of world events and flatlining interest rates, he remains very bullish about its outlook. “People turn to gold in times of uncertainty and right now we are seeing massive political uncertainty,” he says.

Keeping it simple

Despite his wealth, the millionaire philanthropist, who made news recently for handing over the largest personal donation to an Australian university ($100 million to ANU to augment the $50 million scholarship program he and his wife set up three years ago), lives by his mantra of keeping it simple.

He is a fervent evangelist for the passive option of low-cost ETF-style investments, which track the index of a selected market, over actively managed funds. “There are any number of studies out there showing that, on average, after fees, most people just don’t beat the market so why bother,” he says.

He backs this up by having the vast bulk of his wealth vested in ETF Securities Group and its leading Gold ETF, with the rest in cash. Tuckwell, a resident of Jersey for the past six years, acknowledges his circumstances set him apart from average investors, but says the best reflection of his investment philosophy is the strategy he recommended for his local church’s £1.5 million endowment fund.

That was to invest in about 25 ETFs as the lowest-cost way to build a diversified portfolio, geographically and across equities and bonds. In the end his fellow trustees took an each-way bet and opted for a mix of ETFs and managed funds.

“Almost a year on, the manager selected has underperformed the benchmark by 5 per cent,” he says. “Had we just bought ETFs as I wanted to do, we would have been almost 5 per cent better off.”