Smart Disruption

A perspective on innovation for Australian organisations

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Transformation through smart disruption

How are digital start-ups and traditional bricks and mortar companies approaching business transformation? With the help of 25 C-suite decision makers from both sides of the business spectrum, Smart Disruption: a perspective on innovation for Australian organisations delves into the challenges and opportunities each group faces. And uncovers the benefit of forming strategic business partnerships

What did we learn?

Digital Natives and Established Organisations can – and want to – learn from one another. Over four chapters, discover where they can best leverage one another’s strengths to fuel Australian innovation

 Creating a customer-centric business

Established Organisations are becoming more customer centric, while Digital Natives can quickly respond to customer needs but may struggle with scalability.

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 Becoming and remaining innovative and agile

Established Organisations are learning to take risks and to experiment, whilst Digital Natives are using test and lean methodologies to deliver fast innovation.

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 Developing business skills and culture

Established Organisations are seeking out fresh ways of thinking, while Digital Natives aspire to grow while retaining their culture.

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 Partnering to achieve smart disruption

Established Organisations and Digital Natives both recognise the value in collaborating to solve shared challenges.

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Creating a customer-centric business

Becoming and remaining innovative and agile

Developing business skills and culture

Partnering to achieve smart disruption

Established Organisations are becoming more customer centric, while Digital Natives can quickly respond to customer needs but may struggle with scalability.

Established Organisations are learning to take risks and to experiment, whilst Digital Natives are using test and lean methodologies to deliver fast innovation.

Established Organisations are seeking out fresh ways of thinking, while Digital Natives aspire to grow while retaining their culture.

Established Organisations and Digital Natives both recognise the value in collaborating to solve shared challenges.


Read the full report

How Optus is tackling smart disruption

 Optus on customer centricity

Customer centricity

Optus’ Director of Customer Experience and Innovation shares the Optus approach to creating a meaningful customer experience

 Optus on innovation

Innovation and agility

Optus’ Director of Think Big Innovation explains why Optus is focussed on creating innovators rather than innovation.

 Optus on tomorrow’s workforce

Business skills and culture

Optus’ VP of Corporate Social Responsibility discusses the value of a diverse culture and tackling the skills gap.

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