Articles on Cybersecurity

Displaying 1 - 20 of 174 articles

Donald Trump is famously attached to his phone. AP Photo/Matt Rourke

How to secure a smartphone for the tweeter-in-chief

The best way to protect a presidential device is to keep it off the internet altogether. If that's not going to happen, how else can such a sensitive gadget be kept safe?
Can we reduce the likelihood of digital attacks? Digital defense via

Cybersecurity’s next phase: Cyber-deterrence

For decades, deterrence has effectively countered the threat of nuclear weapons. Can we achieve similar results against cyber weapons?
All indications are that voting was not subject to a cyberattack. Ballot box via

This election was not hacked – but it was attacked

Though there is no indication hackers affected the outcome of the election, we still must act to improve the cybersecurity of American elections.
How secure is your vote? Hands with votes illustration via

Securing the voting process: Four essential reads

While voter fraud - despite recent allegations - is rare, how do we ensure the ballots we cast are counted accurately? If so, how? Our experts offer background and insight.
Should one person lead two different government agencies? U.S. government images

Should NSA and Cyber Command have separate leadership?

The key factor to consider is not cooperation, but rather focus: One is an offensive military unit and the other a defensive civilian agency.
What can ‘Snowden’ teach us about cybersecurity? Jürgen Olczyk/Open Road Films

‘Snowden,’ a picture of the cybersecurity state

The new movie about the NSA leaker is a new way for the public to learn about government surveillance, communications technology and privacy. How well does it prepare the public for that discussion?

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