Athens mayor makes complaint over Golden Dawn MP's 'attempted assault'

Giorgos Kaminis claims far-right MP Giorgos Germenis tried to punch him but missed and hit a 12-year-old girl instead
Giorgos Kaminis
Giorgos Kaminis, the mayor of Athens, addresses journalists following the alleged incident. Photograph: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/Getty Images

The mayor of Athens has made a criminal complaint against an extreme rightwing party MP who allegedly tried to punch him after municipal authorities banned a Greeks-only soup kitchen in the city centre.

Giorgos Kaminis claims Giorgos Germenis accidentally hit a 12-year-old girl instead before bodyguards grabbed him.

The alleged attack last week came after police prevented Golden Dawn members from distributing free food only to Greeks in a main Athens square.

Once-marginal Golden Dawn, which rejects the neo-Nazi label, holds 18 of the Greek parliament's 300 seats. The party has been repeatedly linked with attacks on immigrants.

Germenis enjoys parliamentary immunity from prosecution, and if charges are brought lawmakers would have to vote on whether to lift it.

Golden Dawn said on Wednesday it would also take legal action against Kaminis.