22 February 2017
Trump administration withdrew guidance stating federal law requires transgender students to have unfettered access to bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity
State news agency insists leader’s half-brother died of heart attack not poisoning, and blames South Korea for ‘conspiratorial racket’
the first 100 days of trump
Writer-director Jordan Peele masterfully combines incisive social commentary with genuine, seat-edge suspense in film exploring evils of American suburbia
A panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference suggests America can have walls, gates and extreme vetting because heaven does. Come again?
Nassar, who specialized in treating female gymnasts at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, is facing multiple counts
The president’s condemnation of hate crimes against Jewish targets would be more convincing if his record on prejudice in general wasn’t so lamentable
With Trump’s crackdown under way, the fear among us has never been greater. But bullies back down when enough people stand together to say: ‘No’
Chris Hurst, a Virginia Democrat embracing a gun violence prevention platform, said the fatal shooting of Alison Parker toughened him for political battles ahead
Cleanup volunteers and financial donors of many faiths offer backing to Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery in suburban St Louis
Health experts are watching the progress of the tax to see if it will lower the rates of obesity-related diseases and type 2 diabetes
Israeli prime minister’s El Al flight from Singapore to Sydney took more than 11 hours rather than the usual eight and a half
in pictures
A sacred Tibetan lake, a crack in the Antarctic ice shelf and deforestation in Cambodia are among images captured by Nasa and the ESA this month
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of photo highlights from around the world, including the return of a stolen gate and a performance at the Vatican
Footage released by John Wayne Airport in California on Tuesday shows a plane piloted by Harrison Ford mistakenly flying low over an airliner
The rightwing provocateur stepped down after a livestream resurfaced in which he appeared to endorse sex between ‘younger boys’ and older men
The actor, who has been studying Islam, has said she was ‘freaked out’ by the request during an airport check
George Clooney Trump and Bannon 'Hollywood elitists'
Mexico 'will take Trump to UN' over deportations