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Public consultations

If you're an Australian business owner, individual, industry association or not for profit, the Business Consultation website provides opportunities for you to have your say about policies and regulations that may affect you.

Current consultations

You can find lists all current public consultations for both individuals and businesses at Public Consultations. Browse the list of current consultations or search by agency or keyword.

Register for notification of new consultations

If you'd like to be notified by email when new public consultations of interest to you are added, you can also register to receive notifications of new consultations.

  • You'll be notified of Australian Government policies and issues that may affect you or your business as soon as they are made public.
  • You'll have more opportunities to have your say.
  • You can specify the method and how frequently you would like to be consulted.
  • You only need to visit one website to be aware of all current public government consultations.

Fill out your details and preferences on the online registration form.

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