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​Do you need documents stamped, witnessed or legalised for use overseas?

To comply with foreign requirements, Australian documents sometimes need additional government legalisation before they can be used overseas. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) provides a number of legalisation services to help Australian documents meet the requirements of foreign governments. If you have an Australian document that needs to be used in a foreign country or by a foreign government, you will need to contact that country's embassy to check what their requirements are.

The services that DFAT can provide depend on whether you and your documents are in Australia, or already overseas.

Services we provide in Australia

Australian Passport Offices are authorised to provide the following services within Australia:

  • issuing of Certificates of No Impediment to Marriage (CNI) (including witnessing the signature on the application form)
  • legalisations of signatures and/or seals on Australian public documents (apostilles and authentications)

Services in Australia are provided by mail or in person. Lodgment at the Australian Passport Office in person is by appointment only. You can make an appointment by phoning 1300 935 260.

Services we provide overseas

Overseas, most Australian Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates are authorised to provide the following services:

  • witnessing and taking of affidavits, oaths or affirmations
  • witnessing you signing Commonwealth statutory declarations and other Commonwealth forms (some state government forms and private sector forms are also allowed to be witnessed by DFAT staff)
  • witnessing applications forms for, and issuing of, Certificates of No Impediment to marriage (CNI)
  • witnessing notices of intended marriage
  • legalisation of signatures and/or seals on Australian public documents (apostilles and authentications)
  • certifying true copies of documents (that are either Australian or intended for use in Australia) or photographs (needed to accompany Australian forms)

Verify an apostille

Online verification is available for apostilles issued by Australia on or after 14 December 2015. To verify an apostille online, visit the verify an apostille page.