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A Guide to Government and Law in Australia

Index | Links to Units

This website contains the complete text of A Guide to Government and Law in Australia by Dr John Hirst. The book is an exploration of the history, structure and operations of Australian democracy with a concise description of the operations of the Australian system of government and law. The text also has a units index and there are links from the units to relevant sections of A Guide to Government and Law in Australia. Although written largely for teachers, older students may also find it useful. The first section is a series of narratives elaborating on the following four themes:

On the website A Guide to Government and Law in Australia is available in HTML, and in Portable Document Format (PDF) from Downloads.

To view and print the PDF version you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for download free of charge from Adobe.



1 Who Rules?

2 The Australian Nation

3 Law and Rights

4 Citizens

5 Reference Section

Links to Units

Those sections of Discovering Democracy - A Guide to Government and Law in Australia that provide relevant information for particular themes and units are listed below by page number.

Who Rules?

Stories of the People and Rulers

1-3, 7, 95-106
Parliament versus Monarch

1-14, 22, 95-97, 104-106
Should the People Rule?

1-7, 15-17, 20-27, 32-33, 35, 49, 63, 95-97, 100-101
Parties Control Parliament

14, 27-33, 49, 95-106
A Democracy Destroyed

85, 103

Law and Rights

Rules and Laws

63-65, 98-99
The Law Rules

20-21, 66-67, 69-78, 98-99, 103-104

5-7, 63-84, 103-104
Human Rights

5-7, 15-17, 56-58, 59-60, 66-68, 71-74, 84-89, 103-104

The Australian Nation

We Remember

The People Make a Nation

20-22, 37-50, 83, 95-97, 100-103, 105-106
Democratic Struggles

15-27, 48, 56-57
Making a Nation

14, 35-50, 95-97,104-106
What Sort of Nation?

35-37, 50-61

Citizens and Public Life

Joining In

83, 91-94
People Power

51-52, 54, 91-94
Men and Women in Political Life

Getting Things Done

14, 27-33, 70-71, 78-84, 89, 91-106

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