Australian Government coat of arms

Prime Minister of Australia

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
  • The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnball

    The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP

    Malcolm Turnbull became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia on 15 September 2015 and was sworn in for a second term on 19 July 2016.

    Since entering Federal politics as the Member for Wentworth in 2004, Mr Turnbull has held a number of parliamentary positions.


  • 24 February 2017 | Transcript
    Well, we’ve just seen an extraordinary story of Australian innovation, advanced manufacturing. The most advanced microphones in the world made here, right from the start. You have seen those brass and aluminium bars in the shed. Out of this manufacturing process here in Sydney, here in Australia, you have the most advanced microphones in the world. 94 per cent of your sales are exports. Peter, it is an extraordinary achievement.
  • 24 February 2017 | Transcript
    Neil Mitchell: On the line, the Prime Minister. Mr Turnbull, good morning. Prime Minister: Good morning Neil. Neil Mitchell: Other issues, but first, penalty rates – will you attempt to change or block the fair work decision on penalty rates?
  • 24 February 2017 | Media release
    I am pleased to announce that Dr James Renwick SC has been appointed as Australia’s acting Independent National Security Legislation Monitor. The Independent National Security Legislation Monitor is an important and valued component of Australia’s national security architecture, responsible for ensuring that national security and counter-terrorism legislation is applied in accordance with the rule of law and in a manner consistent with our human rights obligations.
  • 23 February 2017 | Media release
    I look forward to welcoming His Excellency Mr Joko Widodo, President of the Republic Indonesia, and Her Excellency Mrs Hj Iriana Joko Widodo, to Australia from 25–26 February. The visit will highlight Australia’s deepening economic and strategic links with Indonesia. The bilateral relationship with Indonesia is vitally important to both countries and has never been stronger.



Welcome to Australia Bibi & Sara! @netanyahu
3 days 8 hours ago
Deeply saddened by the tragic accident at Essendon today. Our hearts & prayers are with the victims and their families.
4 days 6 hours ago
In Perth today with @lindareynoldswa and @ColinBarnett to announce $100M in Navy related infrastructure for WA…
5 days 4 hours ago
Today I was honoured to join survivors and veterans at the 75th anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin.…
6 days 5 hours ago
We stand in solidarity with the people of Pakistan as they mourn the victims of the shocking terrorist attack in Sindh Province
1 week 1 day ago
75 years ago Singapore fell and it began the battle for Australia
1 week 2 days ago
Closing the Gap will remain a key priority for the Government; indeed, a shared responsibility of all governments.
1 week 4 days ago
We are committed to lower power bills and reliable energy. Here with industry experts discussing our national gas…
2 weeks 4 days ago


My message to you on energy:

1 day 13 hours ago

Thanks Bibi & Sara for joining us at Moriah College today!
Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו

2 days 2 hours ago

Today, I was honoured to join survivors and veterans at the 75th anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin. We, your sons and daughters, stand in awe at the selflessness and the courage of your generation. Your sacrifice and...

6 days 8 hours ago

We're taking action to get more young Australians ready for work so they can get a job and keep a job.
Find out more here
Senator Michaelia Cash

1 week 8 hours ago

Australia and New Zealand will work together to create jobs and prosperity through trade, tackle chronic disease and advance regional security.

1 week 1 day ago